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Why You Need a Digital Experience Monitoring Strategy

Delivering a digital experience with traditional monitoring tools is a challenge. Most legacy tools are monitoring on servers and websites and lacking coverage on holistic real-time user experience. These tools also have a limited view into cloud services they don't own. Rapid migration to digital tools and platforms creates additional challenges for IT to deliver and manage end-user experience. New expectations as a result of remote work are redefining the new IT landscape. The workplace model is changing fast and a variety of variables such as internet speed, multiple endpoints, limited remote troubleshooting ability, etc. impacts the delivery of a great experience.

How Does Digital Experience Monitoring Improve Productivity

Optimizing the digital experience monitoring (DEM) strategy should be a priority for businesses. According to Forrester, the five principles to optimize end-user experience management are 1. Holistic 2. Workflow-centric 3. Feedback-driven 4. Automated and 5. Quantified. Exoprise offers businesses a 360 degree DEM solution for cloud, network, and workspace digital transformation. The better together monitoring strategy combines real user and synthetic monitoring to deliver actionable insights to IT for SaaS applications whether consumed from home or office. With complete coverage for ALL of Office 365 cloud productivity applications and crowd-sourced benchmarks, Exoprise leads the way to ensure high productivity for the remote workforce.

How to Benchmark SaaS Performance for reducing MTTR

Exoprise CloudReady effectively benchmarks SaaS application and network capacity performance through the power of crowd intelligence. This unique approach covers a variety of useful metrics for IT administrators such as Network RTT, Audio Jitter, SharePoint Health, Server Latency, Login Times, etc. Combining application monitoring and end-to-end network diagnostics with the power of crowd-sourced data analytics provides complete visibility into business-critical cloud services as well as insights into the health of the Internet. Reduce MTTR and accelerate troubleshooting during outages by instantly finding bottlenecks in the service delivery chain.

Best Practices to Improve Digital Experience Monitoring

Businesses need best practices and implementation strategies to improve the end-user experience for their employees. By combining synthetics and real user monitoring, IT can deliver a seamless Microsoft 365 and SaaS application experience. As work anywhere becomes a dominant reality, employee productivity and technology empowerment will be critical goals to measure. Ultimately, business leaders will need to determine key processes and workflows that need effective monitoring. Dedicating specific staff resources to digital workplace experience will impact end-user productivity.

The Power of Proactive Customer Service, Ft. Senior VP of Support at DBS Bank, Raj Udayakumar

When it comes to supporting customers, DBS Digibank is leading the pack. Join Senior VP of Support, Raj Udayakumar, as he explains why the best customer service is when you proactively solve the customer's problem. Raj touches on adjusting your mindset, choosing the right metrics, leveraging AI, getting a seat at the leadership table, and much more.

How to Monitor ALL of Microsoft 365 (8 Different Apps)

Monitoring Microsoft 365 is essential to ensure a superior digital experience with productivity apps and cloud services. Only Exoprise provides full coverage for synthetics and real-user monitoring. The use of 8-10 different synthetic sensors per site provides Exoprise customers with an ideal start. These locations may include corporate headquarters, branch offices, or work from home settings with knowledge workers.

Building the right tech stack for hybrid work

Choosing the right tools for your company is a balancing act as you try to meet all of your security, transparency, and efficiency needs. This year, teams will face new challenges as many transition from a fully remote environment to one that’s more hybrid. Bringing distributed and co-located work models together allows for more flexibility; and getting the right mix of tools to cover all of your team’s task management, communication, and collaboration needs will be critical.

Putting the fun in functional meetings

Give online meetings that in-person energy. With years of experience in running meetings and workshops, Shipra Kayan is here to share her best practices on keeping groups dialed in and engaged. She’ll be joined by Jennifer Clark, Customer Education Manager, who will share her favorite #MiroTips for giving online meetings that in-person energy.

Digital Experience Monitoring Benefits for IT Featuring Forrester

End-User Experience Management (EUEM) is evolving post-Covid-19. Businesses are now moving towards phase 4 of the Covid-19 timeline. This includes understanding remote worker behavior and preparing for the new normal. Technology and IT leaders are increasingly using data to measure the employee experience. According to Forrester, 64% of technology leaders will invest in data and analytics technology to improve remote worker experience. Employees will adopt a hybrid work approach and businesses will want to employ broader employee engagement analysis and understand why a problem is happening at remote locations. Engagement and productivity insights will be delivered via synthetic and real user monitoring for Microsoft 365, Office 365, Teams, and SaaS applications.