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Raymond Lam on The Most Significant Changes When Boards Go Digital | CSIA x Convene Webinar

The trend is clear: boards have accelerated and elevated their digitalization initiatives. So what are the most significant changes when boards go digital? Raymond Lam, CEO of DrewCorp Services, talks about how the ability of boards to embrace change shapes the success of boardroom digitalization. This quote is from Going Digital in the Boardroom: Considerations and Challenges, a webinar powered by Convene and the Corporate Secretaries International Association, held on January 27, 2021.

CRM-Today Webinar # 2 Starting to work with your CRM - Email & CRM forms

We are happy to invite you to join the second episode our live CRM Today webinar series on February 4, 2021 at 9 AM EST. During this session, we'll be concentrating on how to work with emails and CRM forms inside your Bitrix24 CRM. Spoiler! We've updated our CRM form designer and we'll show you how is it to create and edit new CRM forms to generate leads and increase conversion. Webinar Series: Product Management Guide to Parenthood - Covid19 Edition

Building great products is all about applying good principles while dealing with the unknown. When you get down to it, raising great children (especially in those challenging Covid 19 days) isn’t all that different. You’ve got to stick to your guns, no matter what life throws at you. In this webinar, Amir Shevat (CPO and co-founder of, ex. Amazon, Slack, Google, Microsoft) and Elad Simon (CEO of, will discuss how PMs can apply well-known product management principles to the ancient art of raising children.

Whose data is it anyway? - Troop Messenger

When signing up on a social media platform or installing an app, do you take even a couple of minutes to think what information is being asked for? Do you feel comfortable sharing your location, contacts and photos, or agreeing to the terms & conditions? How much of your personal information do you give away with that single click, and do you know who is benefiting from it?

Courier Live: Notify Discourse users about your livestream with Twitch EventSub and Courier

Aydrian and Riley walk through triggering a Courier notification that updates a banner on Discourse using Twitch EventSub webhooks. Click "Show More" to jump to key moments in the video. Riley Napier, Sr. Software Engineer Courier: The smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design once, deliver to any channel with one API.

(rec) CRM-Today Webinar #1 for Bitrix24 Users

Well, you have CRM now... We are going to have a real-time webinar for those who are starting to work with Bitrix24 CRM system. It also will be interesting for those, who want to improve their performance and use the tool with 100% efficiency. We will be working on a case of average air conditioning company. It will allow us to illustrate what we do and explain why with relevant analogies.