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36+ employee retention statistics every HR and manager should know in 2024

Employee retention is a complex issue. There are a multitude of factors at play, and those factors are changing as work is changing. The current employee retention statistics show that HR and managers must rethink retention strategies. Classic approaches aren’t working, but employees respond well to personalized and empathetic leadership. We’ve identified key themes in employee retention statistics that highlight the challenges and help managers make targeted decisions.

24 virtual assistant websites to find skilled VAs

Most business owners hire virtual assistants to handle their administrative support, email marketing, and other non-core business activities efficiently. But with hundreds of sites offering virtual assistant services, how do you find the right one? To help you out, we’ll highlight the three key features to look for in a virtual assistant website and review the 24 best virtual assistant websites for finding skilled VAs. And as a bonus, we’ll also cover how you can monitor your VAs with ease.

What is a 2-2-3 work schedule and how to implement it?

Working in shifts is necessary for industries where you need to provide 24/7 to meet customer demands. And as a team manager, you may face difficulties in guiding and managing team productivity. Fortunately, a 2-2-3 work schedule can help you and your team work smoothly and manage their work-life balance. In this article, we’ll discuss the 2-2-3 work schedule and its variations. We’ll also share a few tips that’ll help you manage your team while following the 2-2-3 work schedule.

How to measure employee productivity in the IT industry

Want to learn how to measure employee productivity in the IT industry? It’s no secret that measuring employee productivity is one of the hardest things to do these days. As there are so many variables to keep track of, determining how well an employee is performing can be a very confusing process for most businesses. And when you’re dealing with the IT sector, this can become even more challenging! But don’t worry.

31 fun ways to start a meeting and make mornings better

Jon: How was the meeting? Bob: Well… the donuts made the hour-long meeting worth it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t bother to go. Do you go to meetings for the donuts or for the conversation? Most companies invariably have one (or more) morning meetings, and we often find them annoying and disruptive to our daily routine or tasks at hand.

Remote employee engagement: How to keep your team inspired

Over the past year, many companies have noticed that working remotely isn’t quite like working in the office. Remote employee engagement is more important now than ever before because working from home introduces new distractions and detachment. Remote employee engagement is complex, but far from impossible. In this post, we’ll dive into what remote employee engagement actually looks like. We will also cover how you can leverage it to strengthen your remote team.

Employee engagement: How to actually measure and increase it

Employee engagement is a metric that shows an employee’s commitment to their workplace and their motivation to work. High employee engagement can improve employee performance, productivity, customer experience, and more. In this article, we’ll cover the benefits of high employee engagement, its driving factors, and the teams responsible for managing it. We’ll also discuss the different surveys to measure employee engagement and steps to create an action plan.

Greece introduces controversial six-day work week amid economic challenges

In a move that sets it apart from global trends towards shorter working weeks, Greece has introduced a six-day work week aimed at boosting productivity. This measure, which expands the typical workweek to 48 hours, has been met with significant opposition from workers’ unions and the public. A spokesperson from Greece’s Ministry of Labour and Social Security stated that the policy applies to “two specific types of businesses.”

The 16 best employee engagement software

Looking for the best employee engagement software? The past decade has seen a rapid surge in the number of startups and new businesses. While this growth undoubtedly leads to a higher employment rate, it can also cause a serious problem – a high employee turnover rate. Now that employees have so many options to choose from, the companies’ pressure is to provide an excellent work culture and environment to retain their best talent.