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Mattermost Copilot in action: Thread summaries, vision support, call summarization & more

As the central collaboration hub for your organization, Mattermost is full of all sorts of enriched communication data that your organization can use to work smarter and more efficiently. However, without the right tools in place, all of that conversation data can be difficult to parse, preventing organizations from unlocking the true value of that essential data. As a result, employees often deal with information overload and struggle to figure out which messages require immediate action.

Centaurs, cyborgs & clones: 3 ways organizations are using artificial intelligence

The way we collaborate is going through a massive transformation. Already, there are many ways teams can use artificial intelligence to work together more effectively; as we move further into the future, it seems all but inevitable that the technology will have an even more profound impact on collaboration. While the emergence of AI-powered collaboration capabilities is no doubt exciting, organizations need to figure out how to balance innovative functionality with data sovereignty and security.

The User Survey plugin: A new way for customers to gain valuable insights from end users

At Mattermost, we’re laser-focused on ensuring our customers get the most out of their Mattermost deployment investment. To do that, they need insight into how their user base is using the platform and what’s working best for them. Right now, getting insights about their user base’s experience is not easy. To get the data they need, some customers have leveraged external survey solutions, but others in air-gapped environments don’t have that option at all.

From conversation to action: How AI-powered workflows are transforming workplace collaboration

Mattermost is at the forefront of providing a seamless platform for teams to connect and collaborate. Our AI assistant, Mattermost AI Copilot, has already proven invaluable, automating tasks and answering questions with conversational ease. But we’re envisioning a world where Copilot can do more than just chat. Today, we’re exploring an experimental fork of the Mattermost AI Copilot in a cloud demo environment.

4 reasons you need a Slack alternative

As a popular business messaging solution, Slack is well-suited for general collaboration, particularly among smaller teams. Though the platform does offer several advantages — it’s user-friendly, it supports team collaboration, and organizations don’t have to manage the software or infrastructure themselves — there are certain areas where this SaaS solution falls short. Chief among them? Built for general business collaboration, Slack struggles to support mission-critical work.

Passively track keywords in Mattermost

Tracking keywords enables users to stay on top of relevant topics, discussions, and text from incoming webhooks happening across teams and different channels. However, some keywords do not warrant a high-signal “heads up” in the form of triggering a notification sound every time a keyword is mentioned. Starting with Mattermost v9.2 Professional and Enterprise Edition, users can declare keywords and phrases to passively track.

Embracing Global Collaboration for a Resilient Future

Dear Mattermost Customers, Partners, and Open Source Contributors, Today marks a significant milestone in our journey. I am thrilled to share that Mattermost has joined the World Economic Forum Global Innovators Community. This is more than just an accomplishment; it’s a testament to our commitment to building a more secure, transparent, and resilient world.

Scalable collaboration software for enterprises

In our dynamic business world, enterprises face a number of complex challenges when it comes to supporting effective teamwork, ensuring data security, and staying compliant with ever-evolving regulations. As organizations continue to grow, so do their demands for efficient collaboration tools that can seamlessly adapt to changing requirements and scale effortlessly.