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Supporting All Your Service Departments

Is your service management software supporting the needs of all of your service departments? Vivantio's service management platform is flexible for a reason - that's what our customers need. Even though many of our customers originally explored Vivantio for IT purposes, they quickly discovered just how easy it is to accommodate the needs of other business units. Watch and learn how Vivantio can support the departments in your business.

OneDesk - Exporting your Views and Custom Layouts

OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. Learn how to export your view layouts from inside OneDesk into CSV files for easy analysis and manipulation of data in this instructional video. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

The Future of Work: Miro's Vision for Hybrid Teams

Companies worldwide are carefully reopening their offices and embracing a hybrid model — with employees working some days in the office and some from home or elsewhere. For hybrid to be effective and inclusive, those companies need a clear POV and a detailed plan. Here’s ours, as discussed by our leaders. Watch Miro’s Head of Operations Grisha Pavlotsky and Head of Product Varun Parmar talk about the key considerations as we design the next phase of work and how our product strategy works to ensure that our hybrid experiences are inclusive and engaging.

OneDesk - Creating Timesheets and Automations for Timesheets

OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. Learn how to create timesheets in OneDesk and how to run automations on your timesheets in this instructional video. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

Strategies To Build Highly Productive Remote Teams - WorkStatus

It's not a new concept to employ virtual or remote employees. For a long time, many organizations have utilized #remoteteams. Today, it's no longer just a fad; it's a necessity! As a manager, you must quickly embrace this shift and reap the benefits while minimizing its risks and difficulties. When the topic of remote work comes up, organizations frequently express uncertainty about how to make it function best, particularly those that are just starting out with remote employees.

HR Service Management - Tech Talk with Excalibur Data Systems

HaloITSM is a single, all-inclusive ITSM software solution. It will transform your current ways of working into intuitive, up-to-the-minute workflows, as well as give your teams the ability to deliver the very best service to customers and employees alike. It wont just standardize your processes, but it will also deliver valuable analytics, so you can match your IT delivery to the true needs of your business, present, and future.

OneDesk - Creating & Sharing Work Views

Learn how to organize and view your data with custom work views and share them within your organization. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.