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5 Mind-Blowing Predictions For The Future of Work & Security in 2022

In 2022, the workplace will be completely different from it is today. New technologies are shaping the way we work. The job market and the world of work, in general, are changing rapidly, and this trend will only continue in the years to come. These advances are bound to affect the way we live and work in powerful ways, and there’s no better time than now to consider where things might be headed in the next decade.

Automation - Tech Talk with Excalibur Data Systems

HaloITSM is a single, all-inclusive ITSM software solution. It will transform your current ways of working into intuitive, up-to-the-minute workflows, as well as give your teams the ability to deliver the very best service to customers and employees alike. It wont just standardize your processes, but it will also deliver valuable analytics, so you can match your IT delivery to the true needs of your business, present, and future.

Building In-App Chat With Rocket.Chat

Uber, Reddit, Facebook, your banking app, healthcare app. Every app thrives on the back of a strong chat experience. Building chat capabilities into your app, though, is a massive undertaking. (Don’t even get me started on maintaining those capabilities.) If in-app chat is in your roadmap, this session is 100% for you.

Selfie Recognition with Workstatus

If you're on the lookout for a #FacialRecognitionApp that allows you to validate the attendance of your employees through selfies, then look no further than Workstatus, the best facial recognition app available today. Workstatus provides an easy way to update and manage #EmployeeAttendance through workplace selfies and ID checks outside of traditional business hours. Once someone is hired, it's simple to integrate them into your existing HR workflow. Take a selfie with your phone and snap an ID check in place of your typical timecard. That's it. Job done!

Employee Scheduling Software- Workstatus

Has employee scheduling, rescheduling and resource management, been a tedious task? Looking for a way to streamline employee schedules? Try a reliable #EmployeeSchedulingSoftware to make yourself free from manually creating employee shifts. Workstatus is a widely used #WorkforceSchedulingSoftware that enables businesses to create and manage employee schedules. It can help with everything from creating rotas and shift patterns, to tracking staff hours and absences.

M Files Fundamentals: Saving Information with Metadata | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, you'll learn what metadata is and how you use it to save information for easy and quick management and retrieval. No folders, no location. You'll also get introduced to saving information with metadata cards. This video series has been provided by the M-Files Training unit.