Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2024

6 ways to develop adaptability in the workplace and embrace change

Workplace adaptability helps you react effectively to a variety of situations. In this article, we’ll cover six ways to develop your adaptability skills, including how to become a better problem solver, embrace change, keep an open mind, practice mindfulness, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. The workplace is an ever-changing, dynamic place. A campaign that works brilliantly one day totally flops the next. The colleague you’ve always relied on is suddenly out on leave.

Effective active listening: Examples, techniques & exercises

What if we told you listening wasn’t as simple as, well, just listening? In fact, different types of listening go beyond learning—you can also listen to improve your relationships, deepen your connections, and build trust. In this article, we’ll walk you through the different types of listening and show you how active listening can help you listen to understand—not just respond.

Working from home vs office: some pros and cons

There are many pros and cons when it comes to working from home versus working in an office. Some people are more comfortable in an office setting, while others prefer to work from home. Recently more people have been facing the choice of working from home as opposed to working from their office. This article will explain some of the pros and cons of working from home and working from your office.

HR Service Management: How to Use Service Desk For HR Teams

Let’s imagine for a moment that you have no idea what HR Service Management is, and picture how many Human Resources departments used to operate just a few years ago. Even today, some HR teams rely on manual processes, like chasing down signatures from legal or making trips to the IT department for hardware requests. It’s clear that this isn’t the most efficient way to handle HR services within an organization. Fortunately, there’s a more streamlined and effective approach.

The 7 Best Remote Employee Productivity Monitoring Software Solutions

It’s challenging managing remote teams. One way to ensure everyone is productive, efficient, and on track is by utilizing a remote employee productivity monitoring software. In this guide, we’ll explore the seven best tools available to help you keep a close eye on remote workflows, ensure data security, and maintain high productivity levels.

Impact of Fraud Attacks in Fintech and Call Centers - How Leveraging AI Security Can Help

Growing threats have caused a grave security concern for organizations where data is at the center of business operations, including the Banking, Financial Services, Insurance industries (BFSI), and BPOs. The rising threat landscape indicates an urgent need to adopt strong countermeasures for threat mitigation and operational efficiency.

Why Should Call Centers Use Agent Monitoring Software?

Call centers are essential for many organizations since they assist and support clients. They respond to various inquiries, from bills and basic customer services to tech support and items. To deal with this, call centers often have strict ticket rules that ensure every customer problem is tracked, ranked, and quickly fixed. These rules help keep customer service organized, but they also show how important it is to have strong BPO management methods to keep an eye on things.

Impact of Data Breaches in the Healthcare Industry - Effective Strategies to Mitigate Threats

Healthcare is the most targeted industry by malicious actors with an 8.2% increase in threat incidents since 2022 costing it an average of $10.93 million. Growing risky insider incidents and hefty regulatory fines indicate an urgent need for the industry to adopt a robust security system and gain strong control over rising data attacks leading to regulatory compliance breaches.

How Can A Workforce Analytics Platform Help Back Offices?

The business world moves quickly, so managing your employees is essential. More and more people are working from home, with flexible hours and mixed work models. This means that back offices must deal with new issues that make it harder to stay busy and ensure everything runs smoothly. In 2023, the market for workforce analytics was worth USD 1.81 billion worldwide. By 2032, the market should be worth USD 6.04 billion, up from USD 2.07 billion in 2024.

Collaboration Mistakes To Avoid When Managing Remote Teams

In today’s globalized world, remote teams are more prevalent than ever. While this flexibility offers a multitude of benefits, fostering effective collaboration across geographical distances can be a challenge. To keep your remote team firing on all cylinders, it’s crucial to avoid common pitfalls that can hinder communication and teamwork. This blog will guide you through the key collaboration mistakes to steer clear of, equipping you to set up your remote teams for success.