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36+ employee retention statistics every HR and manager should know in 2024

Employee retention is a complex issue. There are a multitude of factors at play, and those factors are changing as work is changing. The current employee retention statistics show that HR and managers must rethink retention strategies. Classic approaches aren’t working, but employees respond well to personalized and empathetic leadership. We’ve identified key themes in employee retention statistics that highlight the challenges and help managers make targeted decisions.

Predictive HR Analytics: Boosting Employee Productivity

HR analytics, particularly predictive HR analytics, is a powerful tool that leverages data and machine learning algorithms to understand employee productivity, work patterns, and behaviors. Your organization’s greatest asset is its workforce. Productive employees are foundational to efficient operations. A 2020 Gallup report found that engaged employees lead to a 21% increase in business profits. However, more recent studies show that just 23% of employees report being engaged at work.

10 Best HR Software for Your Business in 2024

In today’s employee-centric environment, your need to use the best HR software for your business is more than ever. People management always needs to be done right, updated, and redefined. Otherwise, your business can incur heavy losses due to low employee focus, efficiency, and productivity. You need the right tools and techniques to manage your employees and keep growing your business toward a more successful future.

18 Ways to Handle a Disgruntled Employee: The HR Guide

How do you handle a disgruntled employee without escalating the situation? No matter how experienced you are, unhappy employees can be tough to manage and can hurt team morale and employee productivity if not addressed properly. Understanding the root causes of dissatisfaction is crucial in resolving conflicts and maintaining a harmonious work environment. This knowledge equips HR professionals with the tools to address issues effectively and keep operations running smoothly.

How Miro Helps a Leading HR Solutions Provider Align Teams for Maximum Customer Value

Explore the transformative impact of Miro at a top HR Solutions Provider, where team alignment and customer value are paramount. This video demonstrates how Miro's collaborative Intelligent Canvas plays a critical role in helping teams adapt to a rapidly changing business environment. By fostering a shared understanding of objectives and facilitating effective communication across various stakeholders, Miro enhances strategic alignment and operational efficiency.

The Ultimate HR Service Delivery Handbook

In the realm of human resources, HR service delivery determines how effectively an organization can support its employees and meet their needs. This practice refers to the solutions, processes, and models a company uses to deliver services to employees, including onboarding, payroll, benefits enrollment, and document management. This handbook is designed to provide a comprehensive guide for HR professionals looking to optimize their service delivery processes.

HR Service Management: How to Use Service Desk For HR Teams

Let’s imagine for a moment that you have no idea what HR Service Management is, and picture how many Human Resources departments used to operate just a few years ago. Even today, some HR teams rely on manual processes, like chasing down signatures from legal or making trips to the IT department for hardware requests. It’s clear that this isn’t the most efficient way to handle HR services within an organization. Fortunately, there’s a more streamlined and effective approach.

How to Boost Workforce Management With HR Analytics?

HR Analytics is the core of any business and is thus very important for running your organization. Concerning that, good workforce analytics will grow your business. However, if not, you will incur losses, leading to major issues that we don’t want. That’s why it is important to have the best solutions for HR analytics for workforce management to enhance your processes and have a smoother workflow.

The passion behind choosing a career in HR

Adam Weber, Chief Evangelist at 15Five, recently gave a webinar titled “5 Secrets of the Top 5% of HR Leaders,” during which he provided helpful insight on what makes the best HR leaders stand out. One of the main topics of conversation was the passion behind choosing a career in HR. This blog article explores the core of such enthusiasm and what it implies for future human resources specialists.

Employee Onboarding Automation: How to Set up an HR Workflow

Remember to look for the built-in HR workflow!. Human Resources automation takes various forms, one of them being employee onboarding. It makes sense: the onboarding process is critical in any employee's lifecycle, and in fact, 93% of new hires say that their onboarding process determines whether they will stay at the company. Employee onboarding automation is a clever way to speed up the process and improve employee experience while using fewer resources.