Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2024

11 awesome call center software for small business needs

As a small business, you may not have the resources to run a dedicated call center to service your customer base. However, customer support isn’t something you can compromise on either, especially as a small and growing company. Fortunately, there are many call center software for small business needs that can help your in-house agents handle customer calls and other related tasks efficiently. In this article, we’ll explore the 11 best call center software for small businesses.

The Top 8 Call Center Agent Monitoring Software in 2024

Managing a call center with dozens, maybe even hundreds of agents, each day brings a fresh wave of customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests. Amidst the chaos, how do you ensure that your agents perform at their best, follow company policies, and deliver top-notch customer service?

Optimize Time Management: Leverage Psychological Readiness with FVP and Insightful

Ever felt like your team's to-do list is a straitjacket? Break free with the Final Version Perfected (FVP) technique, a fresh approach to productivity crafted by experts. Learn how integrating Insightful’a remote working time tracking can transform daunting task lists into engaging, dynamic activities that boost productivity and job satisfaction.

Take Control of Your Time with Time Boxing

A staggering 40% of workers admit to feeling overwhelmed by their workload according to a recent study by Atlassian. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. But what if there was a time management technique that could not only boost your productivity but also free up valuable time for the things you enjoy? Enter time boxing, a powerful method that empowers you to take control of your schedule and achieve your goals.

How to drive innovation with OKRs: an interview with experts Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden

Today, organizations are grappling with high interest rates, cost pressures, declining revenues, and the transformative influence of new technologies like AI. For this time of tremendous uncertainty and complexity, Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden believe that OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) pave the path forward.

OneDesk - Full Overview Demo 2024

Get a full overview of the features and customization options available in this powerful platform. OneDesk combines Help Desk, Project Management, and Professional Services Automation software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

Top 10 Workforce Management Trends for 2024

The modern era is the time of a diverse workforce. With it, there come many challenges in managing your workforce, which you need to handle well. You need to look out for the various ever-changing trends and adapt to them to survive in the modern work environment. The way of workforce management has changed and grown a lot in the past few years. Furthermore, as per experts, it will continue to grow in the upcoming years.

Rocket.Chat included in the Secure Communications Solutions Landscape, Q2 2024 by Forrester

In a rapidly changing digital landscape where secure communication is critical, organizations constantly seek robust solutions to protect their sensitive data and ensure seamless collaboration. While cloud enterprise collaboration solutions provide convenience and a wide range of features for effective collaboration, they do not always provide sufficient controls. There is also a growing awareness of the risks posed by consumer-grade apps used for work-related communication.

Stand Against Chat Control: Protecting Privacy and Data Security in the EU

As a company committed to ensuring secure and private communications, Wire vehemently opposes the EU Commission's legislative proposal known as "Chat Control." This proposal threatens to establish an unprecedented mass-surveillance apparatus in the European Union, undermining the very foundations of privacy and data security.