
Gurugram, India
  |  By Leapmax
There is a revolution in the corporate world, where productivity and innovation come together smoothly. It’s not about great products or flashy marketing campaigns; it’s about something more essential – the workforce and Leapmax are a testament to it. Workforce Analytics Software is a great tool that will redefine how businesses work, manage, and optimize their most valuable asset- their people.
  |  By Leapmax
The Hybrid Work Model has become a go-to solution for balancing flexibility and productivity in today’s fast-paced work environment. Employees sometimes feel trapped by rigid office hours. However, the hybrid work model has helped them find a new working method. Employees can boost their performance by blending remote work with in-person collaboration. It is like opening a door to endless possibilities!
  |  By Leapmax
Employees are not merely the people working in the organization, but employees are the organization. Assume your brand has a great product and even great marketing, but would you be able to meet the demands without any lending hand? Even if you make the sale, would you have people deliver it physically or virtually? Even if you provide it, would you have someone to follow up and take care of after-sale customer service?
  |  By Leapmax
In this bustling work landscape, work-life balance has just stayed as a term rarely implemented. Managers and employees feel that giving everything to attain their goals is normal! If you are healthy and passionate enough to follow this, then continue, but what if the fatigue knocks in and we don’t respond to it? What if the employees want to respond to it, but the organizational culture is unable to acknowledge it?
  |  By Leapmax
Every organization wants to perform its best to survive and surpass the competition in this fast-paced world. It cannot walk by itself, it cannot run by itself, it cannot fall by itself, it cannot rise by itself, nor it can reach anywhere by itself! Put simply, every organization relies on its workforce to aim and fulfill its goals. This implies that a business’s performance is directly related to that of its employees!
  |  By Leapmax
In this ever-evolving world of business, where an employee is not simply an asset but the driving force behind an organization, the need for employee engagement kicks in. Now, imagine a workplace where each and every employee is not merely completing his 8 or 9 hours but actively contributing. What a wonderful scenario it would be! Employee engagement is not simply a buzzword but a basic practice that should be inherent in a company’s work policy.
  |  By Leapmax
Employees enjoy a flexible lifestyle in this new era where hybrid is the new normal. Employers have no issues even if they work while traveling, provided it is delivered on time. However, not all instances can be this easy to flow, so employee performance management is a must to maintain the desired equilibrium between discipline and freedom. It helps an organization organize employees and resources and checks their activity/productivity ratio. Using an employee monitoring tool is helpful here.
  |  By Leapmax
In the ever-changing business world, organizations constantly face challenges related to workforce management. The key to taking a leap high and above these challenges lies in effective workforce planning, a strategic process that aligns the goals of an organization with its resources. In this comprehensive guide, we dive into the ins and outs of workforce planning, emphasize the need for strategic thinking, and provide a road map to its success by achieving an improved employee productivity rate.
  |  By Leapmax
Business journey is something that corporations appreciate, and therefore, it is essential to lay out a plan so that you know how to reach your destiny. Managing the workforce and workflow helps you in planning that destiny. In simple terms, workflow process management is like a road trip in which you may leave from the same place and arrive at the same destination, but each individual takes different routes along the way and arrives at other times.
  |  By Leapmax
Productivity is essential in business. Organizations are finding ways to improve employee productivity in the current world of competition. However, they must remember employees’ well-being and satisfaction in achieving success. Technology has made it easy for companies to improve employee productivity. Post-COVID-19, companies have switched to working from home, where employees can work from their remote locations, and therefore, employee productivity tracking has become more critical.

Employee performance behavior decides the overall productivity of an organization. When operational efficiency matters - Leapmax can be your perfect fit for creating compliant, productive, and flexible workspaces.

Take a visual approach to how your hybrid teams function on a daily basis through employee monitoring software. Identify the gaps in productive and non-productive work behavior with user activity tracking that will help managers to measure, analyze and improve employee productivity. Employee monitoring systems ensure that there is efficacy in employee performance and stability in daily operations.

Manage your distributed workforces with our product capabilities:

  • Applications and website usage: View real-time activity status of employees and the time they spent on each application.
  • Remote co-browsing: Get access to the user's system remotely to check activity and help them thrive in co-existing space.
  • Collaboration suite: Foster communication by providing employees the right tools to be in sync with supervisors and coworkers.
  • AI-based SOP compliances: Match users' profiles with the latest camera image through quick AI-backed identification.
  • Screen captures: Check daily and hour wise reports while tracking productivity through regular screenshots.
  • Actionable analytics: Get an overview of the entire day's time spent on various websites and applications

Helping our clients build high-performing teams.