Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2024

SaaS and Microsoft 365 Service Level Agreement Credit Recovery

In this article, we will be covering Service-Level Agreement (SLA) credits and the general steps Software-as-a-Service customers must take to recover them. We’ll also go over the typical information required by SaaS vendors, how to collect this information, and how CloudReady synthetics can expedite the SLA credit recovery process. SLA credits are a type of compensation to customers by service providers when service providers fail to achieve the agreed-upon service levels.

Question Everything: Five Whys to Decode Your Workforce Data

Explore how a simple Insightful app download and the Five Whys method can transform your approach to workforce challenges. This article details a step-by-step process for uncovering and addressing the root causes of workplace inefficiencies through user activity monitor tools, empowering leaders with actionable insights for better decision-making.

Choosing The Right Atlassian Tools For Project Management

For companies seeking to streamline project management through enterprise-grade collaboration tools, Atlassian offers a robust suite like no other. Atlassian project management solutions are designed to increase visibility, automate processes, and enhance team productivity, making them a worthwhile investment for organisations looking to make their workflows more efficient.

Change management in IT: What is it and how does it work?

As Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "Everything changes and nothing remains still, and you cannot step twice into the same stream." Ironically, change is the only constant — not only in life in general, but also in IT processes. IT teams may need to upgrade their hardware, migrate from on-premise services to the cloud, implement a new security patch, or deal with server breakdowns. How do you handle these changes to ensure minimal to no disruptions to service quality?

Top 10 Employee Management Software in 2024

Are you looking for the top employee management software for your organization? We have got you covered in today’s list. Today, we will guide you through choosing the best software for managing employees for your business in 2024 with more insightful details. A good worker management system is needed in today’s complex and modern work atmosphere for organizations to optimally manage their employees, monitor workflow, and improve efficiency, productivity, and performance.

The User Survey plugin: A new way for customers to gain valuable insights from end users

At Mattermost, we’re laser-focused on ensuring our customers get the most out of their Mattermost deployment investment. To do that, they need insight into how their user base is using the platform and what’s working best for them. Right now, getting insights about their user base’s experience is not easy. To get the data they need, some customers have leveraged external survey solutions, but others in air-gapped environments don’t have that option at all.

How To Overcome Aged Tickets And Get Rid of The Backlog?

If you are a help desk agent or work in anything related to IT Service Management (ITSM), I’m sure the next sentence is going to hit right at home: There is nothing worse than a backlog full of aged tickets. This includes all the incidents or requests that should have been sorted out months (if not years) ago, but for a variety of reasons, they are still active and not resolved. The reality is that aged tickets hurt us in many ways, from unhappy customers to frustrated teams.

Significance of Productivity Tracking in Global Business Services

“Global business services” (GBS) is a business plan that combines and centralizes support services from different areas within a company. Compared to traditional shared services that usually focus on a single function, GBS provides services across various industries, such as finance, HR, IT, procurement, and more. By combining these services, GBS hopes to boost output, cut costs, and support new ideas within the business.

10 Best Vendor Management Software Solutions for 2024

Every organization wants to boost operational efficiency and improve costs while doing so. Achieving both is only possible if the organization partners with strategic external vendors and leverages the services of contract employees. But there’s a catch: overseeing these external relationships can add to already-overwhelmed teams. Enter vendor management software. A tool that centralizes all vendor information for one-click access.