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Messaging is now mainstream: Salesforce's acquisition of Slack

The internet is changing all aspects of business communication, and with more of us than ever working remotely, it’s a change that is accelerating. Messaging—the ability to synchronously communicate with teams, coordinating work and workflows—is at the center of this new mode of day-to-day business life. The importance of messaging tools—like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Mattermost—is well-known to those who have already made this shift.

Marketing Communication Agency Saves Time and Money with Scoro

NOSUCH is a full-service marketing communications and branding agency. They’re one part of NS+R, a global media production company that specializes in content creation and creative production. NS+R has offices in the UK, Netherlands and India – their mission is to create ‘best in brand’ experiences through well crafted, beautifully designed and professionally executed content. All NOSUCH meeting rooms have inspiring names.

Part 1: Increase Revenue Using Automated Customer Support Alerts

Here at TeamSupport we talk a lot about tools you can use to gauge customer sentiment and measure the overall health of the relationship you have with each of your customers. Why is this important? Because of the high-value nature of B2B (business-to-business) customers, missing the signs that one may be unhappy or at risk of leaving can prove costly.

Goal setting for retailers turning to ecommerce

This is a guest post written by Stuart Cooke, Marketing Manager at Irish Parcels a courier comparison service that helps retailers and ecommerce providers find the best shipping solutions for their products. -- The Covid-19 pandemic has meant businesses around the world have had to close their doors for months, with many left with no choice but to adapt quickly and take their goods or services online.

Gitter goes native!

Like proud parents, we’re delighted to announce that Gitter now has true native connectivity with Matrix. It’s only been two months since Gitter joined Element, so already going native is pretty quick work. Matrix users now appear in Gitter like any other user, although with their Matrix ID and a Matrix flair (icon) next to their username. Likewise, Gitter users now appear as native within Matrix, but with their Gitter username, display name and avatar.

New Release: Read More About Rocket.Chat 3.9

It’s the most wonderful time of the month: and by that we mean release time – Rocket.Chat 3.9 is here! To make sure you don’t miss out on anything, we listed the most important features and improvements of our newest version below. If you wish to view the original and full list, click here!

Ethical artificial intelligence: the most important movement you've never heard of

Fake news spreads six times faster than factual news. The algorithms built into social media software, in an effort to hold our attention, feed us information that triggers the basest instincts of our complex psychologies. These are some of the starkest realities exposed in the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma.” Holding our attention is what the robot (if you will) was programmed to do. And it’s doing its job really, really well.

How we scale our Tech culture at Freshworks

“Culture forms the bedrock of everything we do at Freshworks.” – Suman Gopalan, CHRO Freshworks When the pandemic broke out in March 2020, at Freshworks we were apprehensive about a lot of things, particularly about how we were going to collaborate across teams in different locations and get things done. Fast forward to September, we are quite proud of how far we have come, and of all the things we have been able to achieve.

9 Key Benefits of Implementing ITIL

If you want to significantly subtract the often costly expenses connected to IT investments and if you want to obtain a sturdy bedrock for your total cost of ownership, then getting an ITIL certification is absolutely a must. We know you’re here because you’ve been asking yourself “why implement ITIL?” and we’re here to provide you with answers regarding the perks it can bring for you and your organization.

10 Top Basecamp Alternatives to Improve Project Management

Organized communication is the core of any successful project. Team members need to know how and when to complete tasks while being able to quickly ask questions and share information. Think about the last time you had a project that went off the rails — I’m willing to bet good money that it was because of disorganization or a lack of sufficient communication between team members.