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5 Ways to Progressively Engage Remote Employees to Encourage Value and Connection

We know about the “new normal” and “new ways of working” because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For numerous companies, the pandemic shifted the workforce to remote, even if it was temporary. However, more companies are now hiring fully-remote employees even if a large portion of their workforce will return to the office. At the same time, other companies have implemented a hybrid or fully-remote workforce.

3 ways to provide an AI customer experience

A great customer experience features efficient and personalized interactions at each step of the buyer’s journey. But in order to achieve this, companies need a way to quickly analyze customer data and act on it. According to the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report, businesses that leverage customer data see 36-percent faster resolutions and a 79-percent reduction in wait times; they also solve four times the number of customer requests.

Understanding customer touchpoints-and why they matter

Let’s start with the basics: What is a customer touchpoint? To put it simply, a customer touchpoint is any time a consumer interacts with your brand, whether that’s through an employee, a website, an advertisement, or an app. And the experiences consumers have with those touchpoints can shape how they view your company.

10 Best Virtual Assistant Countries for Finding Excellent VAs

Traditionally, virtual assistants handled day-to-day processes such as scheduling appointments, responding to emails, confirming travel itineraries, etc. But these days, you can hire a virtual assistant (VA) for virtually any task performed online. For instance, you can hire a VA to develop your website and handle your social media marketing. In this article, we’ll highlight the 10 best virtual assistant countries for outsourcing various tasks to VAs.

How Are You Measuring Up in the Self-Service Evolution?

To drive better engagement and truly transform customer experience (CX), it's critical to make as much helpful—and current—data-driven information available via self-service. Determining where you are, today, and developing a strategy for advancement can be greatly assisted with the help of an experienced partner. Especially one who can share—and amplify—your vision.

Sales tactics that work: Tactical selling simplified

When it comes to relationships between individuals, building trust isn’t a very difficult thing to do. It typically requires only a few points of relatability—movies or books you both enjoy, places you’ve visited, and so on—until a level of camaraderie is established. The task becomes infinitely harder, however, when it comes to sales relationships.

Top 20 Todoist Alternatives

Searching the keyword of Todoist alternatives signifies that you are not already satisfied with the tool and you are looking for alternatives to switch to. Here in this article, we would review some of the limitations of Todoist that might be the reason for the inefficiency of your project management, and we would introduce the top 20 Trello alternatives together with their prices for your business.