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Webinar: Customer success in a pure virtual world | Slack

How do you build relationships with customers when face-to-face communication has been replaced by screen-to-screen? Gainsight CEO Nick Mehta and Christina Kosmowski, Slack’s vice president and global head of customer success and services, share actionable advice for meeting customers where they are, even if it’s thousands of miles away.

Why Moving to the Cloud Gives you an Advantage in a Time of Crisis

Business continuity is a challenge we are all currently facing, as most of us are unable to step into our office. During this time of social distancing, businesses rely on technology and software to collaborate with our team, interact with clients, and update information. Software applications can be broadly categorized into two categories: ‘on-premise’ and ‘cloud’.

Running effective meetings in a remote company

As a remote-first company, we’ve spent a lot of time optimizing how we work together as a team. In these challenging times, teams around the world are working to flatten the curve by trying their hand at remote working for the first time. To help these teams succeed, we thought it was the perfect time to share some of the practices and culture we’ve developed to run meetings effectively on Mattermost. Here are seven tips for successful remote meetings.

18 Experts Share Tips for Businesses Switching to Remote Work

The world is going through a lot right now, with the current outbreak of the coronavirus. Lots of things changed in recent weeks, and most prominently, a lot of companies switched to working remotely. While remote work is far from a novelty, many companies are now giving it a go for the first time just now.

Remote, together: offering our support in the ways we can

The past several weeks have been incredibly challenging, in so many ways. It’s been a tough transition, but I’m blown away by everyone’s ability to unite, lean in, and help everyone around them. CEO at Miro As more people are getting used to remote work, a lot of questions are coming up: How to bring teams together when there’s no physical office? How to make sure people feel productive and supported?

Rocket.Chat is moving to a single codebase: Get to know the reasons and how the community will benefit from it

We believe open source is best done transparently. We feel that communicating clearly and concisely what we are changing, adding, or fixing is a matter of high importance when it comes to our community. In the early days of Rocket.Chat, we didn’t have an easy way of allowing our users to help support the development of Rocket.Chat.

Maintaining Strong B2B Customer Relationships Without Face-to-Face Interaction

In an era where remote work has become commonplace, many customer success managers aren’t too happy. Why? Don’t the enjoy working from their home office? Sure, many professionals do, but their dissatisfaction is because the home office lifestyle inhibits their ability to meet face-to-face with customers. These in person interactions are the foundation of many excellent customer relationships, and it can sometimes be a challenge to build or sustain relationships without them.

Working remotely builds organizational resiliency

For many, moving from everyone’s-working-from-the-office to everyone’s-working-at-home isn’t so much a transition as it is a scramble. A very how the fuck? moment. That’s natural. And people need time to figure it out. So if you’re in a leadership position, bake in time. You can’t expect people to hit the ground running when everything’s different. Yes, the scheduled show must go on, but for now it’s live TV and it’s running long.