Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


The Importance of Swarming and Collaboration in IT Support

Much of what IT service desks “do” in terms of IT support has been industry best practice for decades. For example, the tier-based approach to ticket handling – where a ticket starts with Level 1 support staff before progressing to Level 2 and potentially Levels 3 and 4 when an immediate fix isn’t available. Your organisation might still be using this approach. After all, it has long worked well in reducing fix times and delivering better employee experiences.

OneDesk - Quoting

Quote for your services based on project templates. Send quotes directly from OneDesk then convert accepted quotes to invoices. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

TeamSupport | Five Ways to Respond to Angry Customers this Holiday Season

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” doesn’t always ring true for customer service or support teams. Though some industries might slow down during the month of December, others get more hectic and tensions can run high. Ever wonder what to say to diffuse the situation when a customer is ranting and raving about a problem that’s difficult to solve? Here are five pro tips from customer service veterans.

Integrating InvGate Service Desk and Azure DevOps To Enhance Your IT Support

For organizations looking to improve communication and collaboration between support and development teams, the InvGate Service Desk and Azure DevOps integration is the perfect fit. This integration will enable you to link DevOps Work Items to your service desk requests, streamlining your IT operations and enhancing your service delivery. Ready to see how it works? Let’s see what this integration can do and how to set it up in just a few steps!

Why businesses choose Zendesk AI

🔌 Zendesk's artificial intelligence is different than others: We use data gathered from billions of real customer service interactions, combined with our deep expertise in the industry. 🔋 This allows our #AI to be not only accessible, but come with pre-trained solutions and customizable solutions that customers can use and see the value from day one. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.