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Be confident in your artificial intelligence with Zendesk AI

💯 Here at Zendesk, we're committed to making the confidence level of each customer service prediction available to you transparently. 👏 Why? Human oversight is crucial to applying #GenerativeAI in CX because technology should complement, not replace, human interactions. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

A Step-by-step Guide for E-commerce Customer Service Strategy

The COVID-19 crisis has pushed us all out of our comfort zones – both merchants and consumers. What might have evolved over a decade happened within eight weeks in 2020, when retailers quickly launched e-commerce websites and figured their way through digital payment, order fulfillment, and warehouse management processes. Consumers got equally adventurous too.

What do customers really want from bots? #ZendeskAI has the solution

👎 What customers don't want: Bots that behave like humans👍 What customers do want: Bots that understand what they want, can solve requests quickly, or can escalate to a human 🎯 Get on the same page as your customers. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

Transform your customer service teams into superheroes with #ZendeskAI

🚀 Our intelligent bots can automate answers, reducing ticket volume and allowing customer service agents to level up as experts by focusing on essential tasks at hand. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

Want accessible, fine-tuned AI for the best CX? Choose Zendesk.

🔌 Zendesk's artificial intelligence is different than others: We use data gathered from billions of real customer service interactions, combined with our deep expertise in the industry. 🔋 This allows our #AI to be not only accessible, but come with pre-trained solutions and customizable solutions that customers can use and see the value from day one.

A History of Customer Support Technology

There are more ways than ever for customers to get in touch with tech support. Ever wonder what customer service looked like 50 or 60 years ago? It certainly wasn’t as accessible or intuitive as it is today. Here’s a look back at how customer support technologies evolved over the last century, and a peak at where they’re going next.

Best Service Delivery Software for 2024

The best service delivery software enables professional service providers to stay ahead of the curve and enhance customer satisfaction. From streamlining operations to boosting efficiency, there is no shortage of ways in which service delivery tools can help drive customer satisfaction and retention. This article will explore how you can identify the best software solution for your business.

How To Create A Software Implementation Project Plan For A Successful Rollout

Learning how to create a software implementation project plan is a worthy investment of your time. When software is effectively integrated with your existing workflows and processes, it enables your team to reap the full benefits of any given solution. A new joint survey by Mulesoft and Deloitte found that companies (with at least 1,000 employees) now use an average of 976 applications. Yes, 976 different solutions!