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Offshoring Strategy Framework: A Step-By-Step Guide

Offshoring your projects to an overseas location has always been a key growth strategy. However, the demand for offshoring has burgeoned in recent years, thanks to the advances in internet and communication technology. A business can avail advantages of offshoring such as cost reduction, greater flexibility, and access to a global talent pool. That said, offshoring a business process isn’t easy.

Why Do Companies Engage in Offshoring? 5 Strategic Motives

Offshoring is when companies transfer business activities or processes to a distant foreign country, usually a more affordable, developing nation. Companies can enter into an offshore outsourcing arrangement with a third party or set up their own offshore business operations. But why do companies engage in offshoring? Sure, affordability is a factor, but there are a few lesser-known reasons companies choose to offshore.

Creative brief template: What makes a great brief & best practices

Successful projects require successful project planning and careful documentation. This is true in predictable environments like manufacturing, where a range of traditional project management practices dominates project planning. But what about creative environments? What does it look like to plan and document creative projects successfully?

The Ultimate Independent Contractor vs Employee Checklist: How to Determine the Difference

There are many benefits to being an independent contractor, such as setting your own hours and working from home. However, it is important to understand the key differences between independent contractors and employees before you make the decision to become one or hire one. The Ultimate Independent Contractor vs Employee Checklist will help you with that. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between an employee and an independent contractor in terms of payroll, taxes, and more.

Is MS Teams the best Skype for Business alternative? [+ How to choose one ]

On July 31, 2021, Skype for Business was retired. As it was an integral part of the Microsoft Office 365 package, numerous companies around the world were compelled to search for Skype for Business alternatives. Microsoft announced MS Teams and Microsoft Audio Conferencing as replacements to Skype for Business. However, some organizations were less than enthusiastic about the switch due to data security and data privacy concerns.

Subnet Masking Cheat Sheet: A Beginner's Guide to Subnetting

Network engineers are constantly looking for ways to improve the security and efficiency of their IT networks. High latency can affect the user experience and security measures can have costly impacts on the organization. And splitting the organization’s assets into different networks instead of one single large network achieves this. It reduces network collisions and computing demands from the devices and improves efficiency and improves the user experience.

Top 13 Offshoring Best Practices You Should Follow in 2022

Offshoring is the business process of contracting certain functions from one country to another far-off foreign country. Typically, companies adopt this process to acquire better services at lower costs. However, the process of offshoring can be prone to certain pitfalls like communication and cultural gaps. Fortunately, you can avoid these by adopting offshoring best practices.

How to Manage A Remote Agency (Tips and Tools) - 2022

Now-a-days remote work is the new norm. However, the accompanying challenges of managing a remote agency are real. Here we will discuss how to manage a remote agency effectively. The pandemic is far from over, given its ever-evolving nature. As such, it has opened the doors for remote work for everyone across the globe. Employees have been working remotely from home. For many, this could be a long-term arrangement. However, managing remote workers is not a walk in the park.

Top 8 User Experience Monitoring Solutions

User Experience (UX) is vital for the success of SaaS products. It can make the difference between a product which is used once and then forgotten and a product that becomes an essential part of a user’s workflow. By understanding the challenges of SaaS design and why UX is so important, providers can give their products the best chance for success in this competitive market. According to Tech Jury, 74% of users are likely to come back if it has good mobile UX.