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Sales volume: Definition, formula, and how to increase it

When you think of measuring your company’s success, what markers come to mind? Perhaps you consider revenue KPIs or customer enrollment. Maybe you dream of your run rate increasing as your cost of sales decreases. No matter what success looks like to you, it’s unlikely you measure it in sales volume. But perhaps it’s time to start. Sales volume is a largely overlooked measuring tool, but its benefits to your company can’t be ignored.

Hard sell vs. soft sell: Definition and examples

There’s no perfect approach to sales psychology. Sales tactics are ever-changing based on the market, your products, your company, and your customers. That said, most sales tactics fall into either a hard or soft sell category, and understanding the difference between those categories is crucial to your sales success.

Slack vs Discord - Gaming, Working or Both? (Our Team's Feedback)

I’m not a gamer. To tell you the truth, the most advanced game I ever played was Mario back in the 90s. However, I’m here today, talking about Discord and comparing it with Slack, the biggest team chat app there is. As luck would have it, some of my coworkers are gamers and heavy Discord users. They helped me out and shared some expert opinions about Discord for this comparison. As for Slack, I’ve become a bit of an expert in it, since I’ve written a number of reviews on this app.

How to build customer trust: 4 things to start doing today

In the early 2010s, the Age of the Customer emerged. Consumers were more connected than ever before, and as their access to information and resources grew, so did their expectations. The Age of the Customer continues today—and the data shows it. Gartner research reveals that 74 percent of customers expect more from brands, not only in their products and services but also in how they treat their customers.

10 Time Management Strategies to Boost Your Team's Efficiency

Time tracking and time management help organize everything more effectively. Some techniques are good to stop putting off tasks, while others allow us to manage schedules. In this post, you’ll find five alternative time-saving methods that will help overcome procrastination, plan your day or week, and re-organize an approach to your schedule. We bet you’ve heard of Eat the Frog and Pomodoro time management techniques already.

How To Strengthen Self-Service With Effective Knowledge Management

“By 2022, we’ll be talking to bots more than our own spouses.” – Deloitte Rapid technological advancements have pushed businesses to make all information available at customers’ fingertips to deliver a seamless digital experience. Customers today prefer to be self-sufficient. 40% of consumers1 now prefer self-service over human contact.

How to run a Project Kickoff Meeting

How do ideas turn into actions? We often believe when people have brilliant ideas, it is as if a lightning bolt struck them somehow. This romanticized image of innovation couldn’t be farther from the truth. The reality is that innovative ideas come from collaboration, a key factor to manage any project successfully. Think about how Steve Jobs started Apple, now one of the biggest tech companies globally, with Steve Wozniak as a partner. Or, moving away from tech, how two scientists, Dr.

How to Reduce Absenteeism at Your Workplace: 13 Proven Tips

Employee absenteeism refers to employees being frequently absent from work without any justified reason or prior discussion with their manager. It doesn’t count paid time off or justified absences like maternity leave. Excessive absenteeism can hurt your company’s bottom line and result in lost productivity, time, and poor employee morale. To ensure your employees follow the proper procedures and inform beforehand, you need to clearly understand the main causes of absenteeism.

Project Management Time Tracking: Benefits, Tips, Top Tools

As a manager, project management time tracking should be standard practice for your team. It involves tracking the time your team members spend on each project. This gives you detailed insights into what tasks your team is working on, how long it takes them to complete, and how to improve productivity. It can also help you accurately bill clients on an hourly model.