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Remote Work

Navigating WFH: Improving virtual collaboration for creative agencies

If you’ve worked in a creative agency, odds are you’ve been wrangled into many a boardroom for a team brainstorm. You’ve felt the rush of a light bulb go off ready to share a game-changing idea, and basked in the comradery of everyone's creativity coming together–but what’s happened now that the in-person exchange of ideas has, stopped? Can you still get that same collaborative rush, remotely?

5 ways to keep remote employees engaged via communication

Over the next few years, remote working will become more popular. Numerous businesses and workers are now realizing the benefits of remote working as they have grown accustomed to it. Digital workplaces are a new normal after the outbreak of COVID-19. This significant career change was undertaken by millions of workers throughout the world, and companies also had to adjust accordingly.

The Rise of Remote-First Companies: Is Remote Working the New Norm?

We may work in different hours and time zones, and many people work from home or elsewhere. According to a study by Gallup, 37% of workers in the United States telecommute at least some time. Employees working remotely will increase as more organizations adopt remote work policies. There are many benefits to working from remote locations, such as increased productivity and flexibility. This blog post will explore the rise of remote work and remote-first workplaces. Let’s dive in!

Best Remote Management Tips and Tools to Boost Team Productivity

Many people prefer to work remotely because they don’t have to commute and enjoy more flexibility. It gives them the opportunity to tailor their schedules to fit their lifestyles and find a better work/life balance. According to FlexJobs, 60% of women and 52% of men will quit their jobs if their employers do not offer remote work. Having to manage remote employees can be challenging for managers who still have a traditional mindset.

Remotely Productive Working from Home with Kids Is Impossible

While working from home, we often face a lot of issues which we can not ignore as these are related to our daily life. We also can not allow these things to be ignored in our life. As the office environment and the home working environment are not the same and there are several things which distract the mind when you are going to work in your comfort place as well. Also the new normal life is making things different than the usual time.

11 Must-Have Skills for Starting Full-Time Work From Home Jobs

Are you looking for work? Have you considered working from home? Many businesses are now offering jobs that employees can complete remotely, and this number will only increase in the future. If you want to switch to a work-from-home job, there are some skills you will need. We will discuss the skills that will help you succeed in your career when you work from home.

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The Proactive IT Manager for Digital Experience Monitoring

As remote working culture becomes more prevalent, technology is now at the core of many business operations, and digital experience monitoring (DEM) has never been more important. In today's business, IT must help increase employee productivity and drive business growth rather than just solve problems at the support desk. Many companies have not yet fully implemented their digital experience strategy. As a result, many problems related to different devices, network conditions, and service providers are still plaguing the industry and ruining the employee experience.

How the Outsourcing Industry is Transitioning to Remote Work

Many outsourcing firms switched to remote work during the pandemic to maintain social distancing, minimize employee health risks, and conduct business as usual. It helped employees achieve better work life balance and employers benefitted from reduced operational costs and increased access to a global talent pool. But can the outsourcing industry maintain employee productivity and client service quality while working remotely?

Quantitative Data On Work From Home Productivity

The COVID-19 pandemic and the need to safeguard public health saw several companies switching to the remote work model. Realizing how it posed no evident threat to employee productivity, the outsourcing sector joined the league of remote companies too. While evaluating remote work benefits, numerous studies found that remote workers may have increased productivity and greater job satisfaction.

Digital Workplace Technology Landscape 2022

While organizations have offered remote work options even before the COVID-19, the role of the pandemic in accelerating the shift to a completely remote or at least a hybrid model of work cannot be overstated. In fact, in a 2022 survey about remote work, the majority of the respondents said that they can build a strong company culture even if employees are in the office only 3 days a week.