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Remote Work

A Complete Guide to Remote Project Management -(Tools, Practices, and Jobs

Project management is the process of achieving any goal with successive tasks and constant effort by the team. All type of project has a few basic aspects: budget, team members or individual, specific goals or objectives, and a complete schedule. Project management can be found in several job sectors. These job sectors are equally important for relevant tasks and job seekers. Project management skills and techniques can be a game changer for recruiting process.

10 Simple Strategies to Keep Your Remote Employees' Retention High

Remote working from anywhere has many benefits, but staying engaged and motivated can also be challenging when you’re not in an office setting. Finding ways to keep your remote employees happy and productive is essential, or they may become disengaged and start looking for other opportunities. We will discuss ten simple strategies that you can use to keep your remote employees engaged and loyal!

The 10 Best Ways to Include Remote Employee Benefits

As a business owner, you know that remote employees can be a huge asset to your company. Remote workers allow you to expand your reach and grow your business without opening new offices. But what are the benefits of remote employees? And more importantly, what should you offer them to keep them happy and productive? This blog post will discuss ten great benefits you can offer your remote team!

Managing remote teams: 5 things leaders should know + best practices

Remote work is growing at a rapid pace. According to the latest research from McKinsey & Company, 58% of the U.S. workforce has the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week, while 35% have the option five days a week. This data holds true across all industries and job types, including both “blue collar” and “white collar” jobs that traditionally required on-site work.

6 Considerations When Creating a Remote Team Workflow

Like any manager, you’ll know that creating a remote team workflow can go a long way in determining the effectiveness of your team and the projects they take on. If a remote team workflow is too lax and vaguely defined, projects will fall behind schedule, and success will be hard to measure. If it’s too strict and rigid, it can make workers inflexible and create rifts between teams and their managers.

10 Skills Every Boss Needs to Run a Remote Company Successfully

There are many benefits to running a remote company, on one side, you have access to a larger talent pool, you can save on office costs, and employees are happier and more productive when they work from home. But remote companies also come with their own set of challenges. The biggest challenge is making sure that the remote team is managed effectively. So, what makes a good remote boss? And how can you lead a remote team effectively?

Project Onboarding for Remote Employees: Guide

Imagine working on a project without knowing where to start, how to set deadlines, which tools to use, and which tasks to assign. You don’t need to be a wizard to see the disaster coming: The project will sink before it gets a chance to sail. How to avoid it? Have a project onboarding strategy in place. Having a detailed project onboarding strategy is beneficial not only for your team but also for you.

5 Tips for Setting up a Successful Remote Company

Are you considering starting a company but don’t want to sacrifice your quality of life? Or maybe you’re already running a company but are looking for ways to make it more successful? If so, setting up a remote company might be the perfect solution. There are plenty of benefits to a remote company, and with the proper planning and preparation, your company can be just as successful as one based in an office. Here are five tips for setting up a successful remote company.