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Installing Mattermost to Heroku

Heroku is a wonderful cloud platform that allows developers to provision and operate applications. It enables the kind of fast feedback loop that developers crave. There is a heavy layer of abstraction when using Heroku to run applications, but it’s a valid tradeoff considering its ability to bootstrap projects. In this article, we will provide the steps you need to take in order to get Mattermost running on the Heroku Cloud Platform.

Hybrid work: the good, the bad and the flexible

Nowadays, it seems like everybody is talking about hybrid work. Companies are redesigning their work policies and contemplating the best ways to combine advantages of coming to the office and working from home. Ever since the pandemic abruptly entered our work lives, organizations realized that it’s possible to have employees working remotely. The hype around hybrid working models is real. However, not everybody is convinced that it is a good way forward.

What is WhatsApp Business? Understanding the difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

Messaging apps have the highest customer satisfaction rating of any support channel and their usage has skyrocketed. In fact, the volume of support tickets over WhatsApp alone jumped 101 percent in 2020, according to our 2021 Customer Experience Trends Report. Customers want to interact with companies over the same channels they use with friends and family. And businesses are following suit: 53 percent of companies that launched a new channel in 2020 added messaging.

Collapsed Reply Threads are here! Get early access to the beta

We’ve heard your feedback, and are excited to announce that users of Mattermost Cloud and Mattermost Self-Managed v5.37 or later can now get early access to Collapsed Reply Threads in beta! This feature has been a top priority for our team and is the most voted feature request on our idea forum. Given this is an early access beta, we highly encourage Admins and users interested in enabling the feature to review our documentation and known issues.

The Notifications Strategy that Put Us in the Product Hunt Newsletter

Getting noticed on Product Hunt is a start-up founder's dream, but it’s not an easy task. There’s only one chance at listing a specific domain, so it can’t be a short sighted attempt. The internet is a web of communication, and depending on how it is used, teams can effectively notify their communities about their Product Hunt launch.