
Exploring the Role of Audit Committees in Corporate Governance

Audit committees are vital in every company as they are involved in maintaining the company’s financial stability. One of their responsibilities is to prevent any misconduct in auditing and fraud in the company’s finances. Thus, they are crucial in gaining the trust and confidence of investors and stakeholders. Audit committees have an impact also on the board’s plans and decisions.

How to Build Security for your SaaS User Communications

Modern SaaS application providers handle sensitive user information every day, from customer names and email addresses to application code and third-party API secrets. It is thus more important than ever for web applications to adhere to the highest security standards, not only to maintain their business reputation and avoid financial losses but also to protect their users.

Is Consent Management Vital When it Comes to Data Privacy?

The percentage of people using the internet every minute of the day is overwhelming but not shocking, to say the least. The “side effect” is that users unknowingly allow companies and applications to find their confidential data. There is a need to have a system that helps people determine the data they are willing to share with companies.

Forrester's 2022 Now Tech report on secure communications platforms includes Element

Forrester, the research and advisory firm, recently published its Now Tech: Secure Communications, Q2 2022 report which provides an overview of 25 providers and helps enterprises understand the value of a secure communications platform. And (we’re all flushed in the face), Element is listed as one of the secure communication providers (available to view here).

How Rocket.Chat meets the needs of government agencies across the globe

Governmental agencies and public sector organizations are catching on to the digital transformation trend. Besides the need to upgrade their internal processes and services to citizens, they need to be extremely careful about data privacy and data security. Organizations in this sector look for secure ways to collaborate internally and with external partners. Moreover, they want to efficiently manage incoming citizens’ inquiries and requests.

The Top 10 Best DevSecOps Tools for 2022

Over the last decade or so, we have seen organizations competing to rapidly launch products and new updates. This also often meant that information security lagged behind, as evinced by the fact that we have seen many companies facing major breaches and attacks over the last couple of years. The DevOps approach which focused on rapid development proved ineffective for robust security. This is where DevSecOps emerged. In this article, we explore the concept of DevSecOps and the top ten DevSecOps tools.

Best Enterprise Password Managers According to IT Specialists

Even with advances in security practices and technologies, passwords continue to remain a weak point in an organization’s cyber security strategy. Strong passwords are still an essential part of security strategy for most organizations, and poor password hygiene can make their IT network vulnerable. According to the 2021 Verizon data breach investigation report, shared credentials and poor access management practices were among the top reasons for data breaches all over the globe.

Emerging Cloud Security Threats & How to Address Them

Cloud hosting is becoming the norm due to its efficiency, accessibility, flexibility, and scalability. Not only that, but it also optimizes IT expenses and encourages collaboration. However, with the rise of digitalization comes the surge of cyber attacks. With such threats, business leaders must be attentive to the cloud security of their businesses.

Apple Zero-Day: How to Spot Devices to Update in Your Company in Seconds

Just a couple of days after Google announced a high-risk zero-day vulnerability in Chrome, Apple disclosed two zero-day vulnerabilities affecting their operating system on both mobile and desktop devices. The company has already issued updates for its iOS and macOS users. The patched versions are as follows: As for the Apple zero-day exploits, they were reported anonymously.