
4 Questions To Ask Your Vendor About Security - Podcast

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and this month on the Vivantio Vibe podcast, we dive into security issues, trust factors and some questions you should ask to make sure your software vendor will keep your company and your customer's data safe. Director of Digital Marketing and Vivantio Vibe podcast host Todd Carruth shares 4 questions to ask your vendor about security. You can listen below or download wherever you get your favorite podcasts including iTunes or Spotify.

New Wire Subscription Packages

Wire continues to provide teams with the most secure and user-friendly collaboration platform, including how teams can access our products and features. We’ve streamlined our subscription model to a simple tier system: Wire for Free, Wire for Enterprise, and Wire for Governments based on our users’ feedback. Wire will be retiring the old Wire Pro, Enterprise, and Red bundles.

Strategies to Secure a Digital Workplace

Digital workplace solutions have played a huge role in streamlining the shift to remote work. It has improved the employee experience and organizational productivity and made work-from-home almost as smooth as in-office work. While it has certainly made work life easier for both employees and managers alike, from a cybersecurity standpoint, having a single integrated interface with all the data from the organization in one place leaves the company vulnerable.

What is Cyberbullying and How does It Impact Work Productivity?

Cyberspace has been revolutionized in the past couple of decades and now there are more people using internet services and mobile devices than ever before. But with all the advantages to anything, there are also some downsides. The alternative medium of communication has also somehow enabled bullies to harass people by new means and methods. It has enabled bullies to target their victims on digital mediums and sometimes anonymously.

Introducing new and improved calling buttons

At Wire, we constantly strive to provide the most advanced security and superior user experience. We understand how important it is to be efficient and productive, and how an intuitive design contributes to that. We are happy to introduce significant improvements to the buttons you see in Wire calls — making it easier for you to toggle mute, video and screen sharing during calls. In this article, you’ll read all about what changed and why we made these decisions.

What is data security and 6 ways to keep your data safe

Ultimate data security is the goal of many companies today. One of the most important goals of IT departments is to keep data secure at all times. However, with advancements in technology, data security is becoming more complex. ⚿ Follow this article to find out why it’s crucial to ensure data security in your organization – and how you can do that. Before you start, get our list of most important features to look for in a secure business communication platform.

Mailbox Monday: Debunking the Top 3 Myths About Employee Monitoring!

Thinking about adding an employee monitoring software to your business? Are you worried about how your employees will react? During this Teramind mailbox, we answer the questions on whether adding an employee monitoring software will RUIN trust in your business.

The escalating threat of cybercrime: why it's time for a whole new security infrastructure

The global outbreak of Covid 19 and the resulting switch to online working and a new dependence on IT has seen cybercrime increase dramatically. According to research, UK businesses lost over £6.2 million to cyber scams this past year, with a 31 percent increase in the number of attacks during the height of the pandemic. Cybercrime will continue to damage businesses, institutions and governments unless a radical new approach to rebuilding security infrastructure is taken.