Combating Cybersecurity Risks in the Boardroom

Combating Cybersecurity Risks in the Boardroom

Sep 2, 2021

Discover the ways to combat and mitigate cybersecurity risks when it comes to data security within the boardroom.

  • I. Cybersecurity in the Boardroom
    The number of security threats being encountered on a global basis has increased in the previous years, and the issue of cybersecurity has become a mainstay in discussions within the boardroom. Recent cyber attacks experienced by top companies have made directors from companies worldwide feel uneasy about their organization’s preparedness in mitigating these digital risks.
  • II. Cybersecurity Best Practices
    With security breaches becoming a “when” rather than an “if” scenario, boards must embrace this new reality and take a proactive approach. Directors not only should start to provide oversight of an organization’s cybersecurity, but must set an concrete example of best security practices from the top.
  • III. Cybersecurity as a Top Priority
    While cybersecurity is a top-of-mind issue for corporate boards and senior management, they should also become active agents in advocating for its awareness as an enterprise-wide risk management concern.