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Identify Moonlighting with the Help of

Tech workers say the rise in moonlighting started after the outbreak of Covid-19. The way to work from home and take less time getting there has led to more flexible work schedules. It also gave people who were struggling on the side more opportunities which they can take up in their free time. Now, as it's trending, one thing you all are struggling with is how to overcome such cases. Do we have any tool to track moonlighting?

Sound the alarm: Would you even know if 'quiet quitting' was hurting your profits?

Quiet quitters don’t abandon ship. They don’t complain loudly. Instead these employees gently pull-back, and your business stops benefitting from their entire focus, energy and brilliance. For leaders, that should trigger alarm bells. But many carry on like nothing is amiss. The question isn’t whether you have people in your company that have stopped going ‘above and beyond’—inevitably, you do.

How to Ensure Your Business Offers a Healthy Work Environment: Creating a Positive and Safe Workplace

The word healthy, on its Latin root, means “whole“. A healthy workplace then is one where the employees can work together as a whole, being highly productive as a team while maintaining good interpersonal relationships. And you, as their employer, are responsible for creating a healthy and safe work environment for them. A healthy work environment includes ensuring that the workplace is free of hazards and that employees have the necessary tools and training to do their job safely.

How to Increase Workplace Productivity, Tools, and More!

Wondering what the best way for employees to work more efficiently is? According to a Gallup poll, an engaged and productive workforce can increase corporate profits by as much as 21%. With the talent competition only increasing, every company’s IT and business leaders need to consider implementing workplace productivity strategies. In this article, we share tips for optimizing productivity levels for a modern workforce and exploring new ways of measuring it daily.

Audit Logs, Activity Drilldown, USB File Blocking Upgrades (v7.0.2)

CurrentWare version 7.0.2 is here! With this release we’re excited to announce new admin activity logs for the CurrentWare web console, a new app and website activity drilldown dashboard for BrowseReporter, BrowseReporter productivity grading enhancements, as well as several enhancements to AccessPatrol’s USB file transfer blocking feature.

Productivity vs. Efficiency - How to Analyze and Boost Performance

Productivity vs. efficiency. Both are important metrics in any business. While often used interchangeably, there are key differences between the two, and neither is complete without the other. True productivity takes efficiency into account, and vice versa. This post explains productivity vs. efficiency and shows you how to combine them in analyzing business performance.

16 Best Teamingway Alternatives to Use

As the world is adopting remote work culture, leaders are becoming more familiar with the complexities of team collaboration. This also has raised concerns about the efficiency and effectiveness of work management among teams from different cities, countries, or planet regions. The contribution of the I.T. community in the form of comprehensive management software has been extremely beneficial in resolving the pressing challenge of managers and business leaders.