CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, studies the fundamental structure of the universe by examining the behavior of subatomic particles using highly complex scientific instruments, including the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. In 2015, the research institute deployed Mattermost across the organization to consolidate messaging platforms while providing its community of researchers, scientists, and technologists with a self-hosted, secure messaging space.
Who Gives A Crap CEO co-founder Simon Griffiths leads a global team who use Slack to redefine toilet paper and do good in developing countries.
Our relationship with work has been changing very quickly over the past few years. Remote work, which for many people used to be a sporadic benefit, has become a reality. Like we said in another article, in the USA, it is estimated that 33 percent of the American labour force is currently working from home full-time in 2020. But not everything went as expected and the challenges of having crystal clear communication between teams have increased.
In the first three installments in this series, you learned how to send and request data with outgoing webhooks, incoming webhooks, and slash commands. In this article, you learn how to do this with the Mattermost API. Setting up webhooks or slash commands in Mattermost is very easy. Using the Mattermost API requires a few more steps. At the same time, the API is way more versatile and powerful than the other methods. Once you have made your first connection to the API, you will love it!
Mattermost Cloud offers our trusted Mattermost self-managed collaboration platform as a software-as-a-service and removes the burden of administration. Organizations are adopting cloud strategies and moving to cloud software. There are costs associated with hosting and securing software, especially in a highly available environment. Deploying and maintaining a self-hosted environment requires expertise and an upfront investment of infrastructure.