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Exclusive interview with Josh Fechter on Growth, Productivity, Mental Health and Helping Others

Last week we’ve visited Growth Marketing Stage conference where we interviewed Josh Fechter – co-founder at BAMF media. The points he made and the thoughts he shared are pretty inspiring for leaders and founders. We hope you find lots of value for yourself in this interview.

GitHub webhook support

Pushover has been available as a GitHub Service since 2002, making it easy to get Pushover notifications each time commits were pushed to your repositories. GitHub has recently announced that they are replacing GitHub Services with webhooks, which means the Pushover support in GitHub will be going away in January 2019. Any repositories that you are receiving Pushover notifications from will need to be updated to use Pushover’s new GitHub webhook. Web 0.17 and iOS 0.7.6-Smaller Footprint, Faster Launch

Today we’re excited to announce the launch of Web 0.17, landing a dramatically improved launch time and a ~70% reduction in memory use on Web! iOS users will already see the speedup (since 0.7.6 which landed October 5); for web/desktop users we’ll be turning the feature on gradually over the next week — you’ll see a notification next time you start the app, when the speedup has activated.

Mentions - get the attention in a busy chat

Group conversations can get noisy – new ideas, status updates, answers to questions, the occasional joke. It can be easy to miss important info, or a question directed at you. The new mentions functionality highlights your name visually and makes it easy to scan the text and find the sections relevant to the reader. Searching for "@My Name" (replace it with your actual name, of course) returns all mentions of you giving everyone another way to search and filter the most important messages.

Stakeholder communications during a crisis

When Maersk, a global leader in shipping and logistics, was hit by the NotPetya ransomware attack in 2017, it not only found itself unable to manage day-to-day operations efficiently, but also unable to effectively inform the markets and its stakeholders of its response. Combined, the financial impact of NotPetya on Maersk is estimated to have exceeded USD$300m.