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How to Monitor Microsoft SharePoint Online Performance

In this video, we’ll cover the basics of getting started with Exoprise CloudReady and how to set up your first sensor to monitor Microsoft 365 SharePoint from your own locations or behind the firewall. You will learn how to quickly install the management client, add a private site, deploy a SharePoint sensor and visualize the data in the CloudReady platform all in under 5 minutes. CloudReady supports deploying private sensors behind your firewall or public sensors in the cloud for synthetic transaction monitoring. Service watch, on the other hand, can be deployed for real user monitoring of remote user issues.

Timesheet (Daily) | Apploye

On daily an owner/member would be able to see the details of their personal timesheet and owner/admin would be able to see their members details timesheet for any specific date. Also here is an archival available for any specific date, if anybody wants to check previous dates details it's available too. In detail project wise and task wise also the daily timesheet can be seen.

M Files Admin: Creating a Document Review and Approval Workflow | Intelligent Information Management

One of the most used and needed workflows throughout all organizations is the document review and approval workflow, where documents start out in a draft state and then they go through review and then final approval. It's really easy to create this workflow in M-Files and it saves staff loads of time since they don't have to hassle with the messy process of emailing attachments back and forth and creating multiple versions of the same document