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Time Doctor Overview | Time Doctor Product Tour Video

Time Doctor is a cloud-based time tracking and management solution used by businesses for monitoring workforce productivity. It offers tools for time tracking, web activity monitoring, payroll management, and reporting. Time Doctor lets users enter the time spent on each project and calculate their billable and nonbillable working hours. It helps users to keep track of the time spent on chats, meetings, calls, internet usage, and other activities.

Psychological Safety with Amy Edmondson & Asana

Join Asana's Joanna Miller with Novartis Professor of Leadership at HBS, Amy Edmondson, in an exclusive conversation on the role of psychological safety in the workplace. Building on her talk from Asana's Scale event, Amy shares what is means to truly be a fearless organization, and how individuals and managers alike can role model the work required for psychologically safe, and thus more innovative, workplaces.

2 Minute Demo | Employee Monitoring Software | is an award winning employee monitoring software that help gain insights into your employees work environment. It gives you the ability to turn data from all corners of your workplace into meaningful information and actionable insights to help you improve the way people work.

Introduction to Courier: Send API, Automations, and Recipient Lists

Welcome to Courier! We're really glad that you chose us to a be part of your journey to building an awesome, sophisticated communication system. In this video, we will give a brief introduction on how you can navigate our documentation and build your notifications with Courier using our APIs. We will also build a sample email digest and go demonstrate how the data log can be utilized for better observability into your outgoing notifications.

How to Create Project Milestones with Nifty

Want to create project milestones? With Nifty you can get started right away and create project milestones for the project you're coordinating! In Nifty, project milestones appear as Gantt Charts showing clearly the progress you and your team have made since the beginning. You can also export project milestones so you can see a complete breakdown of what was done by who and when!