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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

IT Helpdesk Chatbot

Workativ is workplace support automation SaaS platform designed to transform the way companies provide IT support to employees. To reduce Helpdesk and IT support costs, Workativ  helps companies purpose-build a IT Helpdesk Chatbot with out-of-the-box workflow automation capabilities to help employees self resolve repetitive issues and service requests autonomously without the need to contact Helpdesk. 

Getting started with Zulip on DigitalOcean

As an open source project, Zulip is committed to making it convenient for every organization to use Zulip. For those who cannot maintain their own server, we offer the convenient Zulip Cloud SaaS service. For organizations concerned about privacy, data control, and compliance, we do everything we can to make self-hosting Zulip convenient and painless.

Team collaboration made simple: how to save 30% of your time by eliminating email in your company

The global pandemic caused by covid-19 has highlighted several weaknesses that most companies had been avoiding for some time. From a management point of view, this scenario brought two lessons that are key for companies from now on: the first one is that the future is remote and the second one is that the secret of efficient team management is organized team collaboration.

Co-authoring via Microsoft Office in M-Files | Intelligent Information Management

With M-Files, several users can edit a document at the same time. You can check out a document for co-authoring via Microsoft Office for the web when the Microsoft Office for the web tools and co-authoring have been enabled for your vault or vaults.

Introducing Auto Governance Engine - Content Management by Simpplr

Too many intranets fail and become stale, overloaded, and useless dumping grounds. It’s time for the intelligent revolution, content revolution, and governance revolution. Simpplr’s Auto-Governance Engine solution uses AI to keep content fresh, searchable, and relevant. Because let’s face it, your company doesn’t need another junk drawer.

Integrate and Automate your favorite apps with Microsoft OneDrive using Workativ

A document management process automation enables organizing, securing, capturing, digitizing, tagging, approving, and completing tasks with your business files. For instance, Workativ’s document management process automation on Slack or Microsoft Teams app make it possible to access files, collaborate, track, and securely send sensitive content and information from anywhere there is an internet connection.

Integrate and Automate TSheets Workflows with any 3rd Party Software | Workativ

Although HR processes are embracing technology more than ever before, they still face rampant operational issues when working at scale. Issues faced by current HR processes include: Although such issues are keeping organizations from functioning at their maximum efficiency, they are also acting as key drivers that are motivating managers to explore new technological possibilities.