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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

Automating your projects with OneDesk

If you are an existing user of OneDesk you are no doubt aware of our powerful workflow automation engine. Well with the latest release it just got even more powerful! OneDesk has long had the ability to automatically take action on tickets and tasks whenever events occur in the system. Our easy-to-use rules engine lets you define what events, on what items trigger what actions. This has saved untold hours of labor for our customers.

How expert facilitators run great online meetings in Miro

The perfect meeting is an elusive concept. We’re all familiar with the mind-numbing “I talk, you listen” model of the corporate presentation and the chaos of open-ended brainstorms with no clear takeaways. If our calendars are starting to look like brick walls of meeting blocks, this pattern can lead to frustration and burnout. It’s time to challenge the status quo and make meetings more efficient, engaging, and interactive.

15+ Best Knowledge Base Software Solutions

In this article, we’ll outline the best knowledge base software solutions so you will know which one will be the best fit for you. We’ll also discuss: By the end of the article, you’ll know exactly how to choose the right knowledge base solution and recognize which knowledge base solutions are the best options for you and your business. Let’s get started.

Webinar | Effective Incident Management: How to Improve DevOps Efficiency

During this session, Mattermost VP of Engineering Chris Overton and Customer Engineer Paul Rothrock share their experiences creating best practice incident response workflows and demonstrate how real-time messaging enables DevOps teams accelerate incident response times.

6 tips for creating more inclusive surveys

Now more than ever inclusion is a measure of workplace culture and inequality across industries. But what does it mean in the context of survey creation? From their language to their respondent experience, the best surveys are built to be inclusive. In a broad sense, this means surveying with empathy, respect, and clear motives. You create an inclusive survey when you’re thoughtful about how you ask respondents about things like religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Mattermost integrations: Sending and receiving data with the Mattermost API

In the first three installments in this series, you learned how to send and request data with outgoing webhooks, incoming webhooks, and slash commands. In this article, you learn how to do this with the Mattermost API. Setting up webhooks or slash commands in Mattermost is very easy. Using the Mattermost API requires a few more steps. At the same time, the API is way more versatile and powerful than the other methods. Once you have made your first connection to the API, you will love it!

3 Actionable Takeaways from the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms (CSP)

It’s that time of year again and the ubiquitous analyst firm has just released the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms (CSP). Our team is proud to report that M-Files is positioned as the most visionary solution on this year’s quadrant — the ninth consecutive year on the quadrant altogether. Pat on the back. But while we here at M-Files are always keen to see where we land, the report serves as an invaluable tool for the business community at-large.