Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


New in Basecamp: The "My Stuff" Menu

A great thing about the Home screen in Basecamp 3 is that your drafts, bookmarks, and assignments are all easily accessible. Load up Home, click a link, and see all of your assignments or your drafts in one place. There’s just one problem with this approach: You have to leave whatever you’re doing to get to these links. We wanted to make it easier to find and access these “My…” links, and now you can!

How businesses can benefit from proactive messaging

Businesses are more likely to build a real connection with their customers when their outreach is personalized. To send a thoughtful message at the right time can make a customer think, “Oh, perfect timing” and want to follow-up. But how can it be done in a way that accommodates a large customer base and in a manner that benefits the customer experience?

Why 2019 is the Year to Embrace Digital Customer Service Channels (and How You can Get the Budget to Make It Happen)

Digital transformation is more than just optimizing your existing modus operandi with new technology and tools – it’s about creating a sweeping change in the way that you do business. As technology has become omnipresent in consumers’ day to day lives, the way they interact with businesses needs to change to keep up.

Where Does Proactive Support Fit into Your Customer Support Process?

When it comes to customer support, there are two different variations that work in conjunction to form a well-functioning support system. They are proactive support and reactive support. Reactive support is undertaken in response to an outside request. When customers fill out a support ticket or send in a question, answering that in a complete manner is reactive support.

Introducing partner roles

More often than not teams need to work alongside contractors, clients or suppliers. Sometimes temporary but sometimes long-term. Emails are becoming dated and private messengers have no place in business. The possibility to communicate securely and fast with externals without granting too much access, is of great value. Why not use the proven secure collaboration platform already in use and extend that to partners?

Top Google Calendar features to schedule remote meetings

Working in a remote team can be very challenging, especially if you’re trying to schedule a meeting with someone in a different time zone. As a distributed organization of 150+ people working from Europe, the United States and Australia, we know first-hand how painful this scheduling process can get, but we also understand that real-time communication is critical when you are building the next big thing.

User Persona and Buyer Persona - What's the difference?

The term `persona` has become widely used in many fields and implemented for many purposes. It’s worthwhile to take time and look deeper at the difference between a `user persona` as defined in product development and UX, and `buyer persona` a term used for marketing. Although the two seem very close in meaning, there are in fact key differences. Understanding how these terms differ is crucial to finetuning your product strategy and avoiding mistakes.