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Remote Work

How Remote Work Can Improve Developer Engagement and Retention

While many companies focus on building a better product or application, not enough thought goes into the teams that need to build those products. The frontline developers, designers, coders, and contributors that go into building something innovative and amazing often have needs when it comes to creating an environment where they feel valued. Coordinating a cohesive environment where your team feels valued, heard, and able to collaborate can be difficult, especially in the modern world of remote work.

Strategies To Build Highly Productive Remote Teams - WorkStatus

It's not a new concept to employ virtual or remote employees. For a long time, many organizations have utilized #remoteteams. Today, it's no longer just a fad; it's a necessity! As a manager, you must quickly embrace this shift and reap the benefits while minimizing its risks and difficulties. When the topic of remote work comes up, organizations frequently express uncertainty about how to make it function best, particularly those that are just starting out with remote employees.

10 Proven Tips for Time Management When Working From Home

With new variants of COVID-19 gripping the world, most people are still working from home. And many of us might continue to do so in the future as more companies adopt hybrid work models. Sure, it’s a luxury not having to take long commutes to the office and working from the safety of your home during the ongoing pandemic. But sometimes you’ll find it hard to manage your time when working from home.

The Best Work From Home Software in 2022

The work-from-home trend is on the rise. According to a study by Global Workplace Analytics, they are forecasting that 56% of Americans worked from home after the covid-19 pandemic. And that number is only going to continue to grow. There are many benefits to working from home, including flexibility, saving money on commuting costs, and improved work-life balance. But it’s not always easy to know where to start when you’re trying to set up a work-from-home environment.

Remote Work: Next Steps for Your Team

A decade ago, telecommuting or “working from home” was new and only offered to those in higher management as an extra perk. This is because high-quality audio and video streaming tools needed for telecommuting are typically overpriced at that time. Fast forward to 2021, the world gets hit by a pandemic, and overnight, everybody had to evolve to the new normal.

12 Practical and Effective Remote Work Time Management Tips

Remote work time management can be very difficult to master at first. You’re constantly balancing your work with other responsibilities and it can quickly become overwhelming. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get in control of your schedule, including effectively tracking your time and work. In this article, we’ll cover the importance of time management in remote work, its challenges, and 12 time management best practices for remote work.

How an IT Managed Services Provider Helps Newly Remote Organizations

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a valuable resource for meeting fluctuating IT infrastructure needs. According to data from Statista, the value of the IT managed services market is expected to grow to $356.24 billion by 2025. In this article I’ll outline the benefits of an MSP vs in-house IT staff and how an MSP can help your organization transition to a remote workforce.

Solving The Remote-Work Productivity Questions Once And For All

There has been no shortage of digital ink spilled about the merits and pitfalls of remote work. A seemingly unending surge of worker surveys, scientific studies, pundit prognostications and C-suite demands have coalesced around the one intractable truth — nobody seems to agree if remote work is a productivity boon or bust. To be sure, today’s companies are highly motivated to understand this dynamic.

9 Tips On Transition To Remote Work Successfully

The idea of working from home and setting your own working hours has certainly been an exciting (and relaxing) prospect for employees who are used to having to drive into an office to work nine-to-five every day. If anything, the transition to remote work was perhaps one of the few silver linings people experienced since the pandemic began over two years ago. But for the managers and business owners, the transition to remote work has proven to be a significant challenge.