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Remote Work

10 Smart Tips for the Perfect Remote Working Set Up

Remote work and hybrid work have become increasingly common since the Coronavirus pandemic. And with people working from shared spaces and home offices, it is crucial to highlight the importance of a great remote working set up. But working from home (WFH) isn’t just about pulling up a chair and logging in for the day. Maintaining a well-organized remote workspace can do wonders for your productivity and work-life balance.

20 Proven Work From Home Best Practices

Working from home can be beneficial for both employers and employees. For starters, employees save on time and money that they would’ve otherwise spent on commuting. And employers need not spend on large office spaces, utilities, and other overheads. But on the other hand, working from home can cause loneliness and isolation, leading to lower employee productivity rates. Remote managers may also find it challenging to analyze employee performance.

Top 15 Ground Rules for Your Team's Virtual Meetings

A virtual meeting is a great way to connect with your remote team, clients, and stakeholders. However, these meetings can often be difficult to execute due to the lack of in-person communication, software errors, and other technical glitches. To overcome such issues and conduct effective meetings in a virtual environment, you need to pay attention to the meeting etiquette.

Are Your Remote Employees Just Pretending to Work?

There have been a lot of growing pains when it comes to managing a remote workforce during COVID-19. The sudden lack of visibility has made it difficult for some managers to understand how productive employees are while working from home. A staggering 38% of managers in a Harvard Business Review study felt that working remotely makes employees less productive.

16 Virtual Meetings Best Practices for 2022

The pandemic and the subsequent remote and hybrid work transitions have made virtual meetings the norm for several companies. But conducting a successful remote meeting over tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams is no simple task. Organizers must deal with myriad challenges to host a successful virtual meeting. Don’t worry. We have got you covered. In this article, we will highlight 16 virtual meetings best practices so that you can make sure your remote meetings are a sure-fire success.

Top Productivity Tools for Remote Teams to Explore in 2022

Being productive when working remotely can be challenging if you are underprepared without the right tools to help your business. In addition, it would disrupt coordination between internal teams on tasks and cause problems around collaboration for meetings, performance reviews, and planning for existing and newer projects. Fortunately, with the fast-paced evolution of digital technology, there are multiple remote working tools for you and your teams to explore.

12 Must-Know Pros and Cons of Remote Working

With the world moving into another phase of the pandemic, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of companies are joining the remote work revolution. From flexible schedules to access to a broader talent pool, remote working offers several benefits to employees and employers alike. However, it also comes with particular challenges like decreased collaboration, employee isolation, etc. In this article, we’ll look at 12 pros and cons of remote working.

How to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Effective

Effective virtual meetings have become indispensable to business success as an increasing number of companies adopt digital initiatives and remote work models — thanks to the pandemic. So, you need to take a closer look at the various aspects of virtual meetings to inspire great work and deliver excellent services in 2022. In this article, we’ll highlight the top four benefits of virtual meetings and the six best practices to follow while hosting a virtual meeting.