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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

The 10 Best Ways to Include Remote Employee Benefits

As a business owner, you know that remote employees can be a huge asset to your company. Remote workers allow you to expand your reach and grow your business without opening new offices. But what are the benefits of remote employees? And more importantly, what should you offer them to keep them happy and productive? This blog post will discuss ten great benefits you can offer your remote team!

What's New in Asana | October 2022

Welcome to the October edition of What’s New in Asana! First, the new Desktop App icon lets you focus on your most important work. Click on the icon to see your priority tasks by due date or set a timer for protected blocks of do not disturb time. Next, report on how long it takes for tasks to move through stages of work. In Reporting, or from your project Dashboard, you can see how much time tasks have spent in each section of a project or how long they’ve been assigned a custom field value.

The 4 Day Workweek Trending in the 21st Century

It’s fascinating to witness how the traditional 9-5 workweek is transforming into a routine more adapted to modern life, less rigid, and more approachable. It’s good that with advances in technology and changes in the way we live our lives, business owners and managers are looking for a new way to structure the work week. In this line of thought, the 4-day workweek is becoming an increasingly popular option as more and more companies are seeing the benefits of this flexible schedule.

Situational leadership: What is it, benefits, and more

If you’re a leader, you’ve hit a “leadership roadblock” at some point: Whether you’ve been in leadership for a long time or have just recently transitioned into a leadership role, leadership walls or roadblocks happen to everyone eventually. As one of the four key functions of management, leadership is an integral part of every manager’s job. Leading well requires finding new tactics and strategies to overcome even the most complex leadership challenges.

Managing remote teams: 5 things leaders should know + best practices

Remote work is growing at a rapid pace. According to the latest research from McKinsey & Company, 58% of the U.S. workforce has the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week, while 35% have the option five days a week. This data holds true across all industries and job types, including both “blue collar” and “white collar” jobs that traditionally required on-site work.

Want to amplify your organization's productivity? Remember these three words.

Want to improve productivity? Start measuring things. As a large-company executive, your remit is to solve complex problems that span the business while giving your department heads a shared roadmap. As such, three words matter more now than they have in some time: Measure. Review. Incentivize. With swaths of employees returning to the office, there’s a real opportunity for managers to activate “all-in” strategies for teams to contribute to company growth.

6 Considerations When Creating a Remote Team Workflow

Like any manager, you’ll know that creating a remote team workflow can go a long way in determining the effectiveness of your team and the projects they take on. If a remote team workflow is too lax and vaguely defined, projects will fall behind schedule, and success will be hard to measure. If it’s too strict and rigid, it can make workers inflexible and create rifts between teams and their managers.

The Basecamp Lineup: A bird's eye view

Brand new in Basecamp 4 is The Lineup — a great way to get a bird's eye view of all the projects that are currently in play. Know who's working on what, how much time has passed, and how much time is left. You'll also get to see projects that haven't started yet, and stuff that's recently finished. It's an especially wonderful, visual view for managers who need to stay on top of stuff without staying on top of people.

Top 7 Content Collaboration Tools To Use

The struggle of creating high-quality content is real. Leading content needs merging various ideas from many brains on content creation, evaluation, and delivery. Even if you are a content trooper, you need a clear approach to connect with other team members, document their activities, and offer a home for all the information they generate. This is where content collaboration, or the concept of handling all aspects of content creation and diffusion in one place, is helpful.