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Organize your sidebar with custom, collapsible channel categories

Mattermost now gives users flexibility to organize channels and direct messages into custom, collapsible sidebar categories. Users gain full personalization of their sidebar to improve productivity, reduce clutter, and focus on what matters. Upgrade to Mattermost server v5.32 (releasing February 16th) and later to access these feature enhancements on your desktop, with mobile support coming soon.

How DB Systel, Partner of Deutsche Bahn, Provides a World-Class Customer Service Thanks to Rocket.Chat

Germany’s railway infrastructure is considered the backbone of its economy because of a single company: Deutsche Bahn (DB). As the country’s local and long-distance railway service provider, the company’s growth is remarkable: Industry: Railway transport, Logistics Headquarter: Berlin, Germany Headcount: 300,000 employees Annual Passengers: 151 million passengers transported in 2019

Best Team Chat Apps with Video Calling Feature

There’s no question that the internet has forever revolutionized the way we communicate. Gone are the days where we’d write letters to relatives to see how they were doing — having to wait days if not weeks to hear back. In fact, many of us don’t even make phone calls or send emails anymore. There are just so many better online options that the digital world has brought us to the point where legacy communication methods have become increasingly obscure year after year.

Courier Live: Content, Notifications, and IoT

On February 2nd and 3rd, Shy Ruparel joined me for another Courier and Contentful crossover stream. This time, we decided to play around with an IoT E-ink display and use it to show the latest posts from Contentful and send notifications using Courier. During Tuesday's Contentful Live we started working with the newly released Adafruit MagTag. The MagTag is a 2.9" grayscale E-Ink display that can show data on its screen even when power is removed.

Courier Live: Content, Notifications and IoT

Shy from Contentful joins Aydrian to continue working on the Adafruit MagTag. They work on sending the displayed blog post from Contentful to a Discord channel using Courier. Click "Show More" to jump to key moments in the video. Check out part 1 where they use the Contentful GraphQL API and get some of the latest blog posts from the Contentful website to display on the e-ink screen. Courier: The smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design once, deliver to any channel with one API.

Introducing Troop Messenger

Watch this video to know what Troop Messenger is and how this team collaboration app helps business teams communicate effectively and efficiently across their globally located organizations!. You can connect with your teams using the platforms of Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android, iOS, and the web to have a seamless work communication experience.

Security Bundle: Get to Know Rocket.Chat's Newest Weapon For Secure Messaging

As companies went fully remote, keeping teams connected has become their top priority. The need for digital communication apps led companies to choose popular tools, like Whatsapp, Slack, MS Teams, and Cloud-based apps. While extremely popular, such tools also offer serious security risks. So how can companies deal with sensitive information in a secure manner?

Top 6 Transactional Email Services for Developers in 2021

If your application sends emails to confirm new accounts, reset user passwords, or handle billing and invoicing, then it’s sending transactional emails. This kind of functionality is extremely common, so naturally there are a lot of vendors that provide these services. But which transactional email API is right for your application?