Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Welcome, Element Home!

We’ve launched a brand new version of Element, called Element Home! It’s the Element app, but faster, personalised and under your control - all packaged up so you don’t have to worry about how it works! You can just enjoy the fact you know you chose someone you trust (us!) with your data. So that you know, here’s what’s going on behind the scenes with Element Home; in practice you’re getting your own fully managed, dedicated server alongside your Element app.

How to Send Emails with Node.js [3 Different Ways + Code Tutorials]

Almost every web application needs the functionality to send transactional emails in response to various triggers. Events like account registration, password resets, purchase receipts, and user verification are among the many tasks today’s applications need to accomplish via email. These emails are crucial for notifying users of important updates and enabling key user workflows in your application. This post explores three different options for sending email from within a Node.js app.

7 Tips to Increase Productivity When Working From Home

Don’t work from bed. You want your bed to be a place of peace and calm, not work stress. Liz Grossman Kitoyi The situation we are in right now, the pandemic and our so-called “new normal”, has made some drastic changes to the global work scenario. Many global employers opt for work-from-home to save our economy from a new depression. Little did we know that we’d be facing a slightly different depression. Yes, I know, working from home sounds peachy.

Mattermost and moderation: Managing access for a more welcome experience

One of the greatest values Mattermost provides to users is the ability to create a space for discussion, issue tracking, and succinct communication, which is made possible by administrators managing access. Our goal is to create a safe and secure communication platform for all of our users. This often comes with the need for tools to help ensure users are communicating in line with the culture of the organization or community to ensure a welcoming and inclusive experience for all.

Webinar | Crubiks + Rocket.Chat - Making Communication more Practical and Fun

Communication in business is about collaborating efficiently. Rocket.Chat is a communication platform to facilitate collaboration and increase its efficiency for the workflow of the team. With Rocket.Chat, communication for business matters becomes simpler, more confidential, and fun.

Top 8 Work Management Apps to Improve Your Bottom Line

Someday, artificial intelligence will break time boundaries, days will have more hours in them, but still not enough for us. The thing is, it’s not about how much time you have but how you use it. In this sense, technologies can help us today. “Time is money” is a well–worn cliché and although it sounds hollow, it is by no means devoid of meaning. Ineffective time management costs companies millions of dollars, reducing the productivity of individual employees and managers.