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The Need For Workflow Automation In Your Business

Bill Gates was quoted saying, “The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency.” Workflow automation is one of the finest methods deployed to succeed in business. It is considered the ultimate alternative to traditional inefficient and time-consuming business processes. The objective of a business is to reduce operational costs while ROI increases.

CX Statistics Your Business Needs to Know in 2021

With so many brands and competitors out there, customers have an extremely high expectation for your customer service and care. Having a great customer experience (CX) team helps with client satisfaction, retention, and referral. All three of these are at the bottom of the marketing funnel and are key to growing your business. To truly understand your customers’ expectations, you must diligently study your CX and pain points.

New: Increase cross-platform visibility with our new ServiceNow integration

In a world of distributed and hybrid work, it’s more important than ever for organizations to create seamless workflows that empower collaboration and enhance cross-functional visibility. That’s why we launched Asana Partners, a single platform for distributed work that connects over 200 essential application partners.

HaloITSM New Features Q2 2021

As we head into the second quarter of the year, we would like to take the opportunity to provide you with an overview of some of the new HaloITSM features that were recently released. As an organisation, we would like to thank all of those who have provided feedback and suggestions for new features. We have and continue to take into account our clients ideas, in addition to our pool of thoughts internally.

Quick Solutions To Improve The Customer Experience

In today’s business environment, consumers and organizations have a different relationship altogether. Modern consumers have become more informed, and are not driven merely by quality or low prices. Gone are the days of product-oriented advertisements that focused just on the tangible benefits of a product or where premium quality was associated with better brands.

Improve Your Customer Operations To Increase Your NPS

If you want to improve your customer operations, your attention must turn to your NPS score. The Net Promoter Score for your organization should never be overlooked. This can provide you with vital insights into how your services are perceived by customers. Those actively attempting to improve their NPS scores should focus on improving customer operations. Those running customer-centric businesses recognize the undeniable importance of operating around their needs.