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Miro Mastery for Product Managers: Win at Workflow

Discover how top product managers are revolutionizing their workflows with Miro in this essential guide. Tailored for the savvy product manager, this video dives deep into the strategic use of Miro for product management. From the basics to advanced techniques, we provide you with the tools and insights needed to manage your products more efficiently and creatively.

The Impact of ITSM in Higher Education

Freshworks’ Fredrik Hallberg, Regional Sales Director speaks with Iain Cameron, User Services Manager at University of Aberdeen, and Sonja Browning, Chief Digital Information Officer at Brunel University to explore how higher education institutions can implement technology to improve student and staff experiences.

The 3 Client Communication Risks (& How to Avoid Them) w/ Susan Fennema

It can be terrifying to allow your clients to “see how the sausage is made,” and this is one of the main concerns related to handling client communications within your project management or professional service automation software. While there are benefits to streamlining your client communications and inviting them into the system that runs your agency–benefits like visibility, client perception & efficiency–each of those benefits comes with some pretty intimidating risks.

How To Share Information From M-Files

This video describes how you can share vault content to both people that have access to the same vault as you and to people outside your organization. Does your M-Files look different? - This video features the latest M-Files user interface (released in November 2022). Please note that the lessons in this video still apply. To upgrade to the new user interface, please consult your organization's M-Files Business admin to see about updating your M-Files application.

Open Communication in Performance Reviews | The Productivity League Episode-20 |

Discover the strategies for conducting effective performance reviews in our Youtube Podcast "The Productivity League" Episode-20. These are the key takeaways from our recent talk show discussion on employee evaluation into actionable tips for HR professionals and managers. Here are the insights: Whether you're new to performance management or looking to enhance your current practices, this video will help you unlock your team's potential. Don't miss and watch now to enhance your performance review process!