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AI for Customer Care: Addressing the 3 Key Industry Challenges

Gone are the days when artificial intelligence (AI) was a mere buzzword. Today, AI is transforming our lifestyle. AI enables machines to perform a myriad of tasks with minimal human interference. Whether in sales, marketing, or customer service, AI has revamped business processes. According to a recent Gartner report1, 55% of established companies have started making investments in AI or have prioritized it for their immediate plan of action.

Dark Data - A Potential Gold Mine for Customer Support

All our activities, online and offline, leave an almost imperceptible electronic trail. Traffic cameras “see” you cross a junction around the same time each weekday, your phone lets your favorite coffee shop know when and how long you visit through their “free” Wi-Fi. The data collected by these devices or from our interactions with others tend to end up in a data archive somewhere, unused and unanalyzed.

Can Artificial Intelligence Drive Customer Loyalty?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has amazing potential to drive customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is a huge priority for most businesses. It’s one of the key facets of customer retention, as it reduces customer churn. Reducing churn is desirable since it typically costs four times more to gain a new customer than to keep hold of an existing customer. You also have a 70% probability of making a sale to an existing customer, versus 20% to a new customer.

10 Ways to Level Up Your Customer Support Analytics

Customers expect a personalized experience from your company. And when they don’t receive it, roughly 71% of customers1 will express frustration with your business. So how do you create personalized offers that wow your customers and lead to improved customer loyalty and greater sales? By tapping into powerful customer service analytics. Advanced analytics allow you to gather more valuable customer information.

The Predictive Power Of AI And How To Leverage It For Customer Support

Advancements in automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized the business sector. Automation allows for concise, timely, and accurate service, which is in demand from a society accustomed to instant gratification. The predictive power of artificial intelligence allows businesses to improve upon their service. The end result is a fast, reliable, and effective customer service department, powered by AI and backed up by human agents.

Omnichannel analytics: what the metrics can show you

An omnichannel approach to customer support requires a dedicated strategy—will you designate agents to focus on single channels or will they multitask? Are there channels that you want to guide customers towards? How do you properly staff agents on these channels throughout day, month, or year to keep up with customer requests?

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Support

We live in an era where technology is advancing so quickly that it’s hard to keep up. Think back to ten or even twenty years ago when you needed to get to a business meeting. You had to print out your plane ticket, rental car information, and sometimes even directions on where you needed to go.

How Humans and AI Work Together to Create Better Customer Support Experience

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been a hot topic within the customer support community recently and there are many good reasons for that. By using AI intelligently (no pun intended) support teams can be more efficient and effective, and create a better experience for customers, all without sacrificing quality.

Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service - Possibilities Beyond the Hype

Imagine the benefit your business could achieve if every customer interaction was intelligent? Artificially intelligent? Yes. The era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has dawned upon us. From personal assistants on our smartphones to bring the keyword at boardroom meetings, AI is now ubiquitous.. But, what makes AI a beeline for personalized customer support?