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Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation: which is best for your team?

Motivation is obviously essential for your team’s performance and happiness. And if your company needs any kind of creativity to survive then a certain type of motivation is more effective (spoiler: it’s the intrinsic one). For this reason, most forward-thinking companies are moving away from traditional, extrinsic forms of motivation. But does this mean that "carrot and stick" is officially dead? Not quite.

Best practices for running remote one-on-ones to improve team trust

One-on-one meetings are one of the best ways for managers to build a strong rapport with their teams and create a culture of trust. Unlike standups, status reports, and other types of meetings, one-on-ones are more flexible and create dedicated space for a manager to address an employee’s growth, long term plans and give personalized feedback. In our team, one-on-ones happen every week and last for an hour.

How to Boost Productivity at Work

How to boost productive at work is not a rocket science. However, many people fail to ace it. Incorporate these productivity apps and tips in your workday to increase the flow and be a ninja! You commence each day with a perfect plan to get things done but soon find yourself becoming distracted. Even the card-carrying employees may feel agitated while concentrating or meeting the deadlines from time to time. On the other side of the coin, some feel that they do not have ample time to do everything.