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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

How to Use eNPS for Employee Acquisition and Retention

Getting new employees is expensive and takes up a lot of time and resources. Hiring a new employee costs on average $4000, according to Glassdoor. Additionally, the U.S. is currently suffering from the Great Resignation, an unprecedented amount of workers leaving their jobs. For that reason, it is important to try and retain as many of your current employees as possible. You will probably also face the challenge of hiring new talents. It is not easy, and you need all the help you can get.

What's New in Asana | August 2022

Welcome to the August edition of What’s New in Asana! First, start your work week off strong by setting a weekly focus on Asana’s mobile app. Your focus stays visible on My Tasks and helps you prioritize your most important work. Next, our improved Google Drive integration helps you keep conversations about work all in one place. Now you can get notifications on tasks in Asana when someone comments on an attached Google file. This ensures open comments are actioned and work doesn’t slip through the cracks.

Building an initial pricing strategy 101: Agency edition

Figuring out what to charge for products is challenging. Determining what to charge for services is even harder. And when those services are both creative and wide-ranging — like they are at your agency — getting pricing just right can feel downright maddening. In this guide, we’ll show you what you need to know as you develop an initial pricing strategy for your agency, along with 14 strategies businesses across a spectrum of industries use to set their pricing.

Understanding the Iterative Process: 5 Steps To Success

Whether you are just starting out in your project management career or are a seasoned pro, it is essential to understand the iterative process. This process is commonly used in software development but can be applied to any project – sometimes even a personal one. An iterative process is an approach to problem-solving that involves breaking down a significant problem into smaller, more manageable pieces.

When to hire an employee: Signs it's time to grow your agency

You’ve been running your agency with a small but mighty team, and it's been working out for you…or so you think. How do you know when it's not? Agencies can get used to running lean out of pure necessity, stuck in survival mode while efficiency, profitability, and employee happiness suffer–and don’t have to! But the thought of hiring help can seem like a bigger burden than a simple solution.

OneDesk - Webinar: Setup & Configure Your Automation Workflow

A webinar explaining the different automations in OneDesk. Differences between automated messages, email templates, and automated workflows. Explains some of the default automations, how to edit and create new automations. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

8 useful tips to keep your project management process organized

Project managers know the success or failure of a plan rests primarily on their shoulders — that’s why staying focused and organized is critical. Keeping team members on task, handling the inevitable issues that rear their ugly heads, and moving the project forward so the deliverables are completed on time takes more than luck and skill. Project success depends on how well you stay organized. There are dozens, or hundreds, of ideas and methodologies for staying organized.

11 Best No-Code Software For Small Business

Years ago, programmers were a necessity to run and manage a tech-forward company. But these days, advancements in technology has given everyone an equal chance at the computer table. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an entrepreneur, a virtual assistant, or a marketing manager, you can automate and simplify workflows without even writing a single line of code. It’s not hard to understand why no-code software are rapidly gaining traction among small businesses.

10 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe from Layoffs

Nobody wants to get laid off. It’s a challenging process that can often lead to great stress and uncertainty. If you’re worried about layoffs at your job, don’t worry – we’re here to help! This blog post will go through 10 ways to ensure your job is secure and minimize the danger of losing it. Keep reading for more information!

OneDesk - Getting Started: Mobile App | Mobile Help Desk & Task Management

Log tickets & tasks, update progress, reply to customers, and collaborate with your team with the mobile OneDesk app. This video covers the basics of using the mobile app. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.