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The Best Work From Home Software in 2022

The work-from-home trend is on the rise. According to a study by Global Workplace Analytics, they are forecasting that 56% of Americans worked from home after the covid-19 pandemic. And that number is only going to continue to grow. There are many benefits to working from home, including flexibility, saving money on commuting costs, and improved work-life balance. But it’s not always easy to know where to start when you’re trying to set up a work-from-home environment.

3 Ways Leaders Can Pursue Productivity Goals with Empathy

Team leaders, mid-level managers, and company executives share a unique challenge in 2022: connecting with their employees is more onerous than ever before. Remote and hybrid work arrangements are now ubiquitous in many sectors, often boosting employee morale and enhancing retention but making it more difficult to develop collaborative communities forged from trust and experience.

Solving employee performance tracking questions once and for all

Remote working environments involve employees operating virtually or online instead of working at a physical campus. They connect to the company workspace and co-workers via certain software. While working flexible employee performance tracking is one of the factors that organizations always wanted to keep an eye on. According to Owl Labs, around 16% of enterprises globally have rolled out 100% remote working environments.

How to Use Time Doctor's Attendance Report and Work Schedules to Save Time and Increase Productivity

Whether your teams are remote, hybrid, or in-office, maintaining good attendance is a crucial component to any company’s overall success. Attendance is an important factor in productivity and team morale and can give great insights into employee engagement. With more companies than ever transitioning to a permanently remote or hybrid workforce, flexible schedules and flex time policies are quickly becoming a standard practice, making attendance management more difficult.

How are Time Management and Mental Health Related?

Stress and anxiety can make time management difficult, especially when you have a lot on your plate. And these feelings can further become overwhelming if you struggle with a mental illness such as anxiety, depression, and attention disorders. However, knowledge is power. By understanding the relationship between time management and mental health, you can better tackle your to-do list without losing peace of mind.

How Do Time Management and Anxiety Influence Each Other?

Time management is an essential skill for academic achievement and professional development. However, medical conditions like an anxiety disorder may lead to poor time management. This could indirectly decrease your motivation and boost procrastination tendencies — thereby increasing your anxiety and fueling a vicious circle. In this article, we’ll explore the complex relationship between time management and anxiety and how each impacts the other.

How an IT Managed Services Provider Helps Newly Remote Organizations

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a valuable resource for meeting fluctuating IT infrastructure needs. According to data from Statista, the value of the IT managed services market is expected to grow to $356.24 billion by 2025. In this article I’ll outline the benefits of an MSP vs in-house IT staff and how an MSP can help your organization transition to a remote workforce.