We’re excited to share that Mattermost has launched Open Source Fridays as a way to help our Engineering team have a structured opportunity to support and get involved in more open source projects inside and outside of Mattermost.
Mattermost v5.33 is generally available today. This new release offers the following new features (see changelog for more details):
Creating the perfect notification strategy is like walking a tightrope of constantly changing do’s and don’ts. Send too few, and you may fail to engage your user base. Send too many, and you may quickly annoy them. Utilize multiple channels for a more holistic strategy and risk overwhelming your user. Focus on a single channel, and they might not notice your messages timeously. Send your notification in the morning, and it could get lost amongst all the others.
In March 2021, the Mattermost server repository officially surpassed 20,000 stars on GitHub, and we couldn’t be more excited! Huge thanks to our community for their incredible support of the Mattermost open source project and their belief in the power of secure workplace messaging solutions built for developers by developers.
As companies face challenges to manage secure messaging around the world, data protection solutions are becoming part of the new normal and, more than ever, businesses are mastering the way data can target audiences more precisely and accurately. The problem is that, in 2020, hackers proved they can redirect cyberattacks from individuals and small businesses to major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure.
Most people who interact regularly with smartphones and tablets are familiar with what a push notification is. They want their calendar application to post an alert to their mobile or desktop interface, for example, whether or not they have the app open or their screen locked. If they want to change when, how, or if they receive notifications at all, they simply adjust those in the application settings. For app developers, push notifications are a great way to keep users engaged with a product.
Whether you’re testing the waters or already jumped in, one of the best ways to become the most productive business person you can be, is by learning from the experiences of top entrepreneurs.