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Mattermost Omnibus is now generally available for faster, simpler Mattermost installation and deployment

A little over 2 months ago, we announced Mattermost Omnibus (beta). Mattermost Omnibus is a new, time-saving approach to installing Mattermost. Since then, we’ve done a massive amount of testing, listened to your feedback, and added new features and options. Today, I’m excited to share some big news. The project is officially graduating from Beta status and is ready for any single-server deployments for use as test, dev and/or production Mattermost servers.

An introduction to Mattermost as your DevOps Command Center

Mattermost is a platform based on collaboration — not built simply for facilitating team and asynchronous communication, but built on the philosophy that having the ability to collaborate efficiently makes the world safer and more productive for everyone. This is true in many day-to-day situations in an organization, but it is especially true in the world of DevOps. When an emergency arises, information needs to be moved from person to person and team to team as quickly as possible.

GitHub Plugin 2.0 release

We’re excited to announce the release of GitHub Plugin version 2.0, which adds some new features that increase productivity and reduce the need to context switch between Mattermost and GitHub. As usual, our open source community members have played a key role in developing all of these features and I’d like to say “Thank You!” for their help. Our GitHub plugin is one of the most popular integrations on Mattermost and we use it every day as part of our development process.

Rocket.Chat's Brand Refresh: All You Need To Know

Since our product conception, it has undergone a massive evolution. Rocket.Chat went beyond the messaging world, becoming a truly versatile platform able to support the entire customer relationship experience and cross-company communications, considered by Capterra’s users one of the best remote work platforms in 2020. Having evolved into such a comprehensive platform, renewing our brand seemed the next logical step to reflect our values better.

Tapping into your team's collective wisdom

How many of your meetings take place online these days? If you’re like so many of the Miro users we hear from, your answer is probably “all of them.” And, with such a reliance on video calls to stay in touch, you may also find yourself and your teammates struggling with fatigue, dwindling engagement, and a lack of alignment.

Wire Launches Next-Gen Conferencing Platform

We are thrilled to finally announce the launch of Wire's next generation conferencing calls with innovative audio and video capabilities. Built upon a reimagined and reengineered architecture using the latest technologies, the platform marks a new era in video conferencing security by providing enterprise, financial services and government customers with the world’s first completely end-to-end encrypted video environment.