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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

How to make your collaboration in RealtimeBoard seamless with our new Slack integration

Over the past few years, we have seen corporate messaging apps like Slack increasingly dominating communications in companies moving towards digital transformation. Global brands like IBM, Condé Nast, Target and Capital One are improving communications and tying teams together in Slack. And luckily, it’s not just about top–down guidelines. As end users, we also adore its simplicity, transparency and fast communication speed. Web 0.14 is HERE!!!

After far too long a wait, 0.14 is here (landing in conjunction with Synapse 0.27.3) and it’s a big one! We’re landing (big breath in): community filters, publicly-joinable communities, E2E stability across multiple tabs, E2E key re-request UX, granular settings, performance and memory footprint refactors, a new ‘Status’ theme and a whole bunch of languages! *phew*

Customer Service As A Growth Strategy

Over 98% of all US companies are Small and Mid-sized Businesses (SMBs) and for them, it is especially important to maintain happy customers as a key factor in company success and growth. Despite this, customer support is often overlooked as an important component of the customer experience - many times simply because of a lack of time and resources.