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May 2024

50% Profit Margins Unlocked with Time-Tracking Data w/ @MarketingMax

He went from working 70-80 hour weeks to building a 7-figure agency with 50% profit margins while only working about 1 hour per week. Today he’s the founder of & & he’s known by his 45,000 followers on X as @MarketingMax, but several years ago he was an agency co-owner struggling to make the sort of money he wanted to make (and enjoy the work in the process). That’s when a timely LinkedIn post came across his feed & recommend a book that change the course of his agency–and his life–forever.

How to Free Up An Agency Founder's Time for Marketing w/ Danielle Fauteaux

You probably heard recently on this show, from the dozens of agency owners & leaders we spoke to at INBOUND last year, that the number one place they'd invest extra budget dollars (if they magically had them tomorrow) was in marketing their own agency. This begs 2 questions: 1) Why is this such a common answer? 2) What can you as an agency owner start doing to address this common need? (because an extra $10,000/mo isn't likely showing up in your mailbox tomorrow)

Introducing Fixed fee budgets: Perfect for project-based work on a set fee

As the saying goes, the best things come in threes. Turns out couldn't agree more and we’re thrilled to now offer three different budget types: Time and materials, Retainer … and Fixed fee! Perfect for teams that complete project-based work on a set-fee, our new Fixed fee budget offers financial stability, profit margin tracking, and revenue transparency.

The Pricing Model Your Agency Should Consider w/ Amanda Moriuchi

Many peers & consultants have said she's crazy for committing to this pricing model as a software development agency, but Amanda Moriuchi, CEO of AppIt Ventures, says the only crazy thing is to think any structure for your agency will be challenge free. Amanda & her team have made a name for themselves in Colorado & beyond, not only for doing great app development work for their clients, but also by committing to a pricing & delivery model of Fixed Bid project pricing when most other agencies of their type are consistently sticking with a Time & Materials approach.

Say hello to the updated Planning Overview

Today, we’re excited to roll out a brand new look and feel to the Planning Overview. It’s the same report you know and love, only we’ve given it a glow-up and boosted functionality to help you report on resourcing data alongside time, capacity, and staffing information. Before we jump in, let’s remind ourselves of why we would use the Planning Overview?

How to Prepare Your Agency for an Acquisition w/ Karl Heasman

Many agency owners don't begin with the end in mind. Did you? If you answer questions like "How much do we need to make?" with "I don't know...more!" or "When will I be able to retire?" with "Not now!"...'re not alone. Seasoned agency owner, Karl Heasman, Founder of Greycott Consultancy has had his own successful exits and now helps other agency owners prepare for acquisition--by beginning with the end in mind.

When Your Agency Has TOO MUCH New Business w/ Joe Sullivan

Many agencies--just like yours--are echoing this common refrain: Either it’s feast or famine right now. In today's episode, Joe Sullivan shares how his agency, Gorilla 76, is experiencing a "feast" season where demand is exceeding supply. They’re having to tell clients they can’t start working with them for several months–even if they’re ready to sign & start today. It’s a good problem to have, but one that they’ve still got to solve. An aim for what Joe refers to as “managed growth.”

8 types of IT projects and their business impact

If IT is the lifeblood of your business — and it is — then IT projects play a vital role in keeping your organization healthy and thriving. These projects can range from small localized projects (first aid) to systemwide enhancements (blood transfusions) to complete digital transformations (something akin to a heart and brain transplant all in one!). IT projects can be proactive or reactive, small or large, quick or years-long.

The 3 Keys to Thought Leadership That Drives ROI w/ Susan Baier

How can you leverage thought leadership to gain new followers, win new clients, keep them longer and increase referrals for your agency? Susan Baier, Founder of Audience Audit, where they help agencies create thought leadership content based on quantitative research that builds trust with potential clients, has seen thought leadership done well (with great results) and has seen it done poorly (with wasted time and money).

8 new IT challenges businesses face in 2024

What’s your gut reaction when you find out about a significant new technology that is likely coming to your business? For some, this news generates excitement as they see the boundless possibilities. Others might feel frustration as they remember the difficulties of the last major upgrade or fear the business disruption that could be headed their way. Both of these responses (and anything in between) are legit.

How to build a scalable IT budget

How much business could your business do without IT? These days, “none” is far and away the most common answer. Yet many organizations struggle with how to approach spending and budgeting related to IT. Information technology may be the backbone of a business, but it usually isn’t front and center in strategic discussions and high-level decision-making. And whatever spending is happening, the budgeting process underneath it often doesn’t scale well.

The 3 Benefits of Productizing Your Agency's Services w/ Sam Shepler

Should you productize your services? Does a productized service business completely differ from the standard agency model? Can both models co-exist within the same business? These are all questions we answer in today's conversation with Sam Shepler, CEO of Testimonial Hero. He transitioned from leading a full-service video production agency to founding a productized service business in 2018. In this episode, Sam shares the 3 specific benefits of productizing your services--and the potential pitfalls to look out for.

How businesses overcome digital transformation challenges

Every click, swipe, and digital interaction contributes to business outcomes in the modern age. Most of us do digital work to create a valuable customer experience (which may also be entirely digital) and track digital metrics to show business growth or achievement of business goals — and even the goals and growth may be primarily or entirely digital! As businesses adjust to the realities of a digital environment, many are undertaking digital transformation programs.

Successfully Marketing with Partner Agencies w/ Sam Dunning

If your agency’s become a trusted advisor to your clients, then you’re probably getting asked for recommendations & advice all the time. I can border on a feeling of frustration if you’ve faced this enough: Can you help with this? Do you know anyone you’d recommend for that? If your clients are asking about other areas where you *can’t* help, you hate to not be able to help. But… What if you could add more value to your clients AND tap into partnerships that could generate net-new clients for your agency?

The robust and refreshed Resource Scheduler

The time has come to roll out a modernized and more powerful Resource Scheduler to help you forecast future resourcing needs with confidence. It’s the same feature you know and love, only we’ve given it a big boost of functionality, and a striking new look and feel. It’s time to de-risk project delivery, optimize your business capacity, and reach peak utilization once and for all!

38% of Agencies Would Spend More $$ On This...

Where would you spend an extra $10,000 a month if you suddenly had that extra cash to invest in your agency? No strings attached--available today--where would you use that sudden infusion of capital? That's the 1st of our Fast Five questions you've likely heard us ask before on every episode of this show. Last week we had the chance to ask this same question to more than 20 agency owners and their team members while several members of the team descended on Boston for INBOUND 23.

The Marketing MISTAKE Every Agency Makes w/ Nick Bennett

Do you feel the pressure of having to rely almost solely on word of mouth and referrals to continue growing your agency? If so, you're not alone. Even if you have all the systems and capabilities to grow your agency, you may not be effectively marketing your firm...and it's often for a common reason: You've become an "interchangeable agency.".

5 Overservicing Mistakes That Hurt Your Profitability w/ Alyson Caffrey

Over 1/3 of agencies frequently struggle with overservicing clients. You’ve likely felt the pain yourself. When projects are going well out of scope and things are taking longer than your team planned, it can have a major impact on your agency’s profitability. Alyson Caffrey, Founder & COO of Operations Agency, has identified the 5 biggest scoping mistakes across dozens of agencies that are often leading to this overservicing problem–and ultimately underperforming profit margins.