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A Tale of Two B2B Customer Support Departments, Chapter 1

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” So begins the classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. It refers to the premise of the story: A time of despair and suffering on one hand, and joy and hope on the other.

The art of social listening: Tracking and acting on what your customers say about you on social media

You may think that “Mayochup” is a great topping for fries, an abominable Frankenstein’s condiment, or just a hilarious example of ’90s satire predicting the future. Regardless of your personal preference, though, there’s no denying that it represents a huge social listening triumph for Kraft Heinz. The polarizing combination of ketchup and mayonnaise was originally sold only in the Middle East.

With CRM and Neo, Freshworks brings the iPhone moment in business software closer to reality

A CRM is a CRM is a CRM…right? Wrong. With due apologies to Gertrude Stein and William Shakespeare, a Customer Relationship Management software bought from just about any vendor wouldn’t “smell as sweet.” At our just-concluded Refresh 2020 virtual global conference, we took great pains and absolute delight to explain why not.

Best 25+ Customer Service Tools To Take Your Service To The Next Level

In this article, we’ll show you the best customer service tools you can use to improve your service. We’ll discuss the following: …and more! By the end of the article, you’ll know exactly which tools are the best for each step of your customer service process. Let’s get started.

Capping a decade of blitzscaling, Freshworks makes big splash in CRM and platform play

Oftentimes, it starts like a dream—fleeting, chaotic, unsolicited, and without structure. The idea is a strange thing, isn’t it? The way it begins and evolves is like life itself—literally out of nowhere, and then, in a hard act to follow, it branches out and sprouts arms and legs, and lands firmly upon the ground of reason to sustain itself through the years.

How to pick customer segmentation software that will scale with your team

Customer segmentation involves classifying customer data by specific traits to learn more about the groups that make up your customer base. The more you understand them, the better you can serve them. There are countless ways to segment customers - by age, location, occupation, account type, company size, and more. Unless you’re prepared to keep a few thousand Post-it notes on hand at all times, you’ll need a sophisticated software solution for capturing and analyzing all that data.

Part 2: Soft Skills Customer Service Staff Need to Make Customers Happy

Whether you are a customer support professional or manage a team of agents for your company, certain soft skills can significantly impact how positive each customer interaction will be. In Part 1 of this series we explored two, and here in Part 2 we take a close look at a few more soft skills that support staff should master in order to provide the best customer experiences. 4. Organizational & Time Management Skills

How to Build an FAQ Page (with Templates + Examples)

In this article, you’ll learn how to build an FAQ page that your clients will love to read and your staff will love to reference. We’ll also talk about: By the end of the article, you’ll know how to build a perfect FAQ page to answer your customer’s questions and streamline your customer service process. Let’s get started.

Workflow Automation | Definition, Why, Benefits and Usecases - Workativ

The word ‘workflow’ sounds familiar? Right? You might have heard it in your workplace conversations, usually in conjunction with automation and business processes. But, what is workflow exactly? Workflows are the day to day motions that make up your job. You might follow them routinely, you might document them methodically, or you might be somewhere in between. In any case, workflows make up a crucial part of your workflow life.