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10 Employee Wellness Programs for a Healthy and Happy Workplace

Employee wellness programs are a hot topic these days due to the increased spotlight on employee health and wellbeing. Wellness activities not only focus on improving an employee’s physical health, but also deal with social, psychological, financial, and other forms of wellness. In this article, we’ll cover what employee wellness programs are and highlight ten initiatives you can implement in the workplace.

What Makes Employee an Effective Remote Worker

Remote jobs are gaining much popularity nowadays. According to a recent report, remote work increased by 159% between 2005- 2017. But then, it requires specific skills or qualities to be successful working remotely. This post will show what makes an employee an effective remote worker and other interesting facts you should know. Let’s get started!

How to Install CurrentWare On-Premises (Tutorial) - Computer Monitoring Software | CurrentWare

In this video Mike, one of CurrentWare’s technical specialists, will show you how to install CurrentWare's device control, web filtering, and computer monitoring software on-premises. After completing this tutorial you will be able to monitor and control your user’s computers from CurrentWare’s central management console. If you would like to learn how to use CurrentWare to monitor remote workers, that topic is covered in another tutorial.

6 Fun and Easy Workplace Wellness Challenges for All Teams

Happy employees are usually indicators of a healthy workplace. If you want this for your company, consider implementing some fun workplace wellness challenges. These will encourage your employees to create healthy habits, socialize, and become more productive and engaged. In this article, we’ll explain what workplace wellness challenges are and why you should conduct them. Then, we’ll explore six different wellness challenges and how you can create one of your own.

How to Promote Mental Health in the Workplace (2021 Guide)

The Covid 19 pandemic has put a spotlight on mental health. However, the fear of stigma deters employees from discussing their mental health problems at work. That’s why it’s all the more important for employers to promote mental health in the workplace. Promoting good mental health in the company can help create a holistic environment that increases everyone’s productivity and keeps them engaged in their work.

Is Work-Life Integration The New Work-Life Balance?

The idea of “Work-Life Integration” is trending. You may have seen leaders discussing it on LinkedIn or read think pieces about it in major business news publications. The concept assumes that the binary pursuit of work-life balance has become outdated and inefficient in an increasingly connected world. But what is work-life integration anyway? And do the benefits really outweigh the drawbacks?

Productivity and Profitability: How Disruption Creates Opportunity in Professional Services

If we look at history, disruption is not a new phenomenon. Repeating patterns of massive disruption have occurred regularly. Today's digital revolution is not unlike major phases of disruptions of the past, such as the agricultural revolution and the development of canals and railways. Technological progress, along with the globalisation of trade and demographic changes, help to spread these revolutions to every sector of the economy.

What we can learn about productivity and focus from a cognitive neuroscientist and high-performance psychologist

We live in a distracting world. Mobile devices, apps, ads, and our natural environments constantly divert our attention. For example, according to the Anatomy of Work Index, workers are switching between an average of 10 apps 25 times per day, hurting focus and productivity. To share practical tips for achieving greater focus and flow in a distracting world, we brought a powerful duo together at our recent Focus & Flow Summit: cognitive neuroscientist Dr.

What Causes Employee Burnout and How to Control it? (2021 Guide)

Employee productivity is crucial to provide quality services and grow your business. However, employee burnout can often be a barrier to that. Employee burnout results from chronic workplace stress and has led to a loss of billions of dollars for businesses across the globe. Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to prevent, or at least reduce, employee burnout in the workplace. In this article, we’ll talk about employee burnout and explore its seven major causes.