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Demo - Using the Spec editor

A core part of every Product Manager’s job is to create the documentation that describes the user problem, the business opportunity and the solution design that drive the product development process. Exactly for this, we built the Craft editor - a powerful and unique tool that gives you the ability to write great product specs within the context you and your team needs

Creating Relationships between Objects in M-Files | Intelligent Information Management System

By using relationships, you can define metadata connections between objects, just as via the metadata card. For example, you can link a customer with an object. The customer then also appears in the metadata of the object. Likewise, the relationships entered via the metadata card will appear in the Relationships dialog. 00:23 - 01:04 Relationships through metadata/metadata card 01:04 - 01:26 Use case / example 01:26 - 02:17 Adding relationships through the relationships dialogue